St. Pius X Born in 1835 Papacy: Advocate of Gregorian Chants and Eucharistic celebration Strongly opposed modernism
Pope Benedict XV Born in 1854 Papacy: Intervened for peace during World War I Remembered as a “Prophet of Peace” Revised Code of Canon Law
Pope Pius XI Born in 1857 Papacy: Signed Lateran Treaty making Vatican City a sovereign State Created Vatican Radio Created the Feast of Christ the King
Pope Pius XII Born in 1876 Papacy: Invoked Papal Infallibility to declare Assumption of Mary Eliminated Italian majority of the Cardinals Intervened for Peace during World War II and the Holocaust
St. John XXIII Born in 1881 Papacy: Called the Second Vatican Council Advocate for Dialogue and Peace Issued Encyclical Pacem in Terris Helped moderate in the Cuban Missile Crisis
Pope Paul VI Born in 1897 Papacy: First Pope since 1809 to travel outside of Italy First Pope to travel to U.S.A. and Australia Presided over most of Vatican II Promulgated Humane Vitae
Pope John Paul I Born in 1912 Papacy: August 26-September 28, 1978 Got ride of the Triple Tiara and papal coronations Died of Heart Attack Known by Italians as Il Papa del Sorriso (The Smiling Pope)
Pope John Paul II Born Karol Wojtyla in 1920 Papacy: First non-Italian Pope in half a century Instrumental in the fall of Communism First Pope to visit Canada Third longest papacy Founded World Youth Day in 1984