IFE workplan Nepal
Key Priorities No Government policy on IFE Few Government staff trained or knowledge about IFE People in charge of emergency coordination do not prioritise Poor understanding about what indicators to include on IFE assessment There are no systems to minimise risks of formula feeding
Workplan ActivityAgencyTimeline 1.Incorporation of IFE operational guideline into IYCF policy and strategy MoH, UNICEF WHO By June 2. Policy endorsement to prevent unsolicited donation of BMS from Council of Ministers MoHBy Mar 1.Policy
Workplan ActivityAgencyTimeline 1.Training of National and Regional Trainers on IYCF, including IFE MoH and WHO By June 2. Incorporate IFE component into existing IYCF training UNICEF and MoH By Dec 3. Training of health workers and community health volunteers-phase wise manner MoHMar 2.Capacity Building
Workplan ActivityAgencyTimeline 1.Incorporate IFE issues in National Disaster Response and preparedness plan MoH and UNICEF By June 2.Strengthen coordination between inter ministry and agencies from improved IFE response through -Nutrition Cluster approach -Health Sector Coordination Committee --National Planning Commission MoH and UNICEF By Dec 3.Coordination
Workplan ActivityAgencyTimeline 1.Develop protocols and tools for assessment and IFE indicators MoH and UNICEF Nov 2.Strengthen the implementation of BMS Act MoHJune 4.Assessment and Monitoring
Workplan ActivityAgencyTimeline 1.National Advocacy on IFE policy and related issues MoHBy June 2.Focused Media campaign on IYCF issues MoHBy Dec 5.Support for IYCF
Workplan ActivityAgencyTimeline 1.Develop guidelines for monitoring of unsolicited donations MoHBy June 2.Develop protocol and monitoring system for supervised distribution of BMS MoHBy Dec 6.Minimise risk of artificial feeding