Measuring the True Costs of Counterfeiting and Piracy Mr. TAM Yiu-keung Assistant Commissioner (Intelligence & Investigation) Hong Kong Customs
Pearl of the Orient Mexican Caribbean Source :
IPR Enforcement in HKSAR Strong Legislation Vigorous Enforcement Strategic Partnership with Industry Close International Cooperation
Eliminate the Supply To eliminate the supply by intensive enforcement Operations against syndicates Operations against syndicates Co-operation with Police Co-operation with Police Use of OSCO to confiscate assets from IPR crimes Use of OSCO to confiscate assets from IPR crimes The masterminds luxurious house in HK
Intellectual Property Rights Protection Alliance
E-Auctioning with Integrity Scheme Launched in November 2005 Participants include local auction sites, IPR organizations and individual right holders 78,000 listings of suspected pirated and counterfeiting auction items have been removed
TV Overseas Films Local Films Music Comics 11 local youth uniform organizations (200,000 members) 7 Copyright Org. Game Youth Ambassador Scheme
Curb the Demand To raise public awareness of IPR protection IPR Protection Alliance IPR Protection Alliance Publicity Campaign to Promote the Protection of IPR in Hong Kong Publicity Campaign to Promote the Protection of IPR in Hong Kong
The Art of War says Winning a victory and subduing the enemy without fighting is the highest excellence in war
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