Nepal / Physical Rehabilitation Quality Global Rehabilitation in Developing context Introduction Results & Analysis The year 2010 is the year of less achievement: - Beginning of the new 3 years project –STRIDE (USAID) - Difficulties in implementation of the project activities due to delay in signing the long term partnership agreement. -Transition in HR structure from HI Physiotherapists to partners' PTs -8 Partners' P&O assistants were in 18 months training in Mobility India; additionally 15 CWs and DDWs are in 3 months PRT training. -Focus was on development of new monitoring and evaluation tools (database development; clients satisfaction survey; goal setting etc.) -Focus on training in database and backlog data entry for Results obtained by implementing the above methods and tools Title Key Indicators No. of assistive devices ,289 No. of beneficiaries No. of treatment sessions After 10 years conflict in Nepal, The country is in a process of peace building. To address the need of the people with disabilities, HI Nepal has been implementing access to physical rehabilitation services for the people with disabilities in Nepal in 2005 Stakeholders: There are 9 rehabilitation centres and 3 satellite units across the country; HI is supporting 5 centres and 3 SU Other stake holder: Government CBR network, disabled people organization, different government agencies (ministry of peace and reconstruction and ministry of women children and social welfare) There is lack of human resources and recognition of the rehabilitation sector The rehabilitation sector is seen as an independent sector with few exchanges with other part of the health care continuum. Country map or photo or drawing (optional) Introduction: Rehabilitation in Nepal Conclusion In Nepal, since 2010, we are focusing on financial AND technical sustainability by reducing the financial support and increasing the technical support for technical resources and managers within the sector. Since last year, HI is decreasing his financial support by 25% each year. This goes along with a close accompaniment of the managers through the process for fundraising. Two ministries have shown commitment and gave money for the sake of the Rehabilitation sector. The visibility of the Rehab sector through the EPP will hopefully help the GoN seeing the necessity of a Rehab sector as an inevitable step within the health care continuum. The recent use of tools like database, Indicator tracking table, Client satisfaction survey, Goal setting analysis, CDP, etc. should help the partners with the technical quality process. The permanent support to NASPIR is helping by contributing in creating links with the Central level. Previously, the only tools used were monthly and field visit reports Photo or drawing (optional) Authors : Suni Pokharel, Reena Shakya, Laurence Degreef PRERANA Handicap International Bibliography : Handiap International Database Photo credits : © Prakash Thapalya, © Pushpak Newar Methods What guidelines and principles do you use to manage your rehabilitation services? What instruments, if any, support those processes? Guidelines: WHO CBR and wheelchair guidelines, Quality control tools for mobility aids, Surgery guideline, Mobile camps guidelines, Capacity development guidelines, Victim assistance and assistive device manual, Information booklet on available service providers in Nepal, Guideline for the referral process among partner organization and hospital in Nepal(being drafted) and Policy guidelines on financial and human resource management Instruments : Rehabilitation management system is in the process of field testing, Database, Indicator tracking table, Client satisfaction survey, Goal setting analysis chart and Skill assessment tools based on score cards for PT, P&O and PTA Achievement on Key indicators