Class: 餐二甲 Name: 王子寧 Number:4a1m0038
Every holiday we will put different kinds of decoratetion to attract customer just like this Christma tree
We use french decoratetion and romantic lamplight in the inside
This appetiser is made with seafood and chicken This a meat diet cold dishes is made with pork hock
This a vegetable foods cold dishes is made with mushroom and Western noodles This a meat diet hot dishes is made with sea bass and potato sause
This a main dish is made with Prime short ribs This a main dish is made with prawans and shrimp sause
This a main dish is made with roasted baby chicken This a main dish is made with crispy spiced pork
This a main dish is made with a grilled codfish This a main dish is made with a prime rib eye steak
This a vegetable main dish is made with a truffle mushroom rice and poached egg
Thanks for linstening