Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research
What is the APN? Inter-governmental network Asia-Pacific region Foster global change research Increase developing country participation in global change research Strengthen links between scientists and policy- makers Structure StructurePurpose
The Global Change Community Scientific Community Governmental Networks START IGBP IHDP WCRP DIVERSITAS IAI Programs Research Network APN EU
Australia Bangladesh Cambodia China Fiji India Indonesia Japan Lao PDR Malaysia Mongolia Nepal New Zealand Pakistan Philippines Republic of Korea Russian Federation Sri Lanka Thailand USA Viet Nam 21 Member Countries
Organisational Structure GovernmentalScientific Secretariat (Kobe, Japan) Director: Mr. Sombo T. Yamamura National Focal Points (FP) Scientific Planning Group (SPG) Liaison Officers
Research Framework Changes in Coastal Zones & Inland Waters Climate Change & Variability Changes in Atmospheric Composition Changes in Terrestrial Ecosystems & Biodiversity Integration of the findings of natural science with social and economic factors Input to policy making and implementation
APN Goals To support regional cooperation in global change research on issues particularly relevant to the region To strengthen the interactions among scientists and policy makers, provide a scientific input to policy decision making and scientific knowledge to the public To improve the scientific and technical capabilities of nations of the region To facilitate the standardizations, collection, analysis and exchange of scientific data and information relating to global change research To cooperate with other global change networks and organizations To facilitate the development of research infrastructure and the transfer of know-how and technology
Distribution of APN Funding APN Project Funds Planning & Scoping Workshops Develop Policy Products Identify Research Gaps (incl. synthesis & analysis of existing results) Capacity Building & Networking
APN Annual Call for Proposals Call for Proposals around May each year Optional Pre-Proposal Stage (deadline: around June) Full Proposals (deadline: September) Proposal will be reviewed by a team of international scientists Average funding is US$ 30-40k per year Multi-year project (up to 3 years) is accepted Awarding begins in April each year
Some Useful Tips for Submitting Proposals to APN Proposals need to be submitted by PI based in an APN member country Activities proposed must involve individuals or institutions in at least 3 APN member countries and at least 1 must be a ‘developing’ country Endorsement from APN national focal points and/or SPG member is very advantageous
APN National Focal Points (FP) and Scientific Planning Group Members (SPG) CountryNational Focal Points (FP)Scientific Planning Group Members (SPG) AustraliaDr. Michael StoddartProf. Graeme Pearman BangladeshMr. S. M. Kamruzzaman CambodiaMr. Sovannora IengMr. Chanrithy Chuon ChinaMr. Xuedu LuDr. Wenjie Dong FijiMr. Cama TuilomaMr. Epeli Nasome IndiaDr. Subodh SharmaDr. A. P. Mitra IndonesiaMs. Liana BratasidaMr. Bambang Tejasukmana JapanMr. Kazuhiko TakemotoProf. Nobuo Mimura Lao P.D.R.Mr. Phonechaleune NonthaxayMr. Chanthanet Boualapha MalaysiaMr. Chow Kok KeeDr. Subramaniam Moten MongoliaMr. Dashzeveg BayarbatDr. Tsogtbaatar Jamsran NepalMr. Poorna Bhadra AdigaDr. Madan L. Shrestha New ZealandDr. Andrew Matthews PakistanMr.Mohammad Zahir Shah MohmandDr. Amir Muhammed PhilippinesMr. Samuel PeñafielMr. Celso Diaz Republic of KoreaMr. Houngseob KimDr. Kwang-Woo Cho Russian Federation Dr. Alexander Sterin Sri LankaMr. Dharmasena DissanayakeMr. G. H. P. Dharmaratna ThailandDr. Plodparsop SuraswadiDr. Jariya Boonjawat U.S.A.Mr. Louis Brown Viet NamMr. Xuan Bao Tam NguyenMs. Nga Mai Ngoc
APN Liaison Officer RegionAPN Liaison Officer OceaniaMs. Mosmi BHIM START Oceania Regional Committee The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji South AsiaDr. C. SHARMA South Asia START Committee (SASCOM) c/o National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India Southeast AsiaDr. Anond SNIDVONGS Southeast Asia START Regional Center (SEA START RC) Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Temperate East AsiaMs. Ying YANG START Temperate East Asia Regional Committee (TEACOM) Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research THANK- YOU!!