TeliaSonera in Russia Lars Nyberg President and CEO
TeliaSonera - our footprint More than 450 million population Total number of subscriptions close to 144 million –of which ~47 million in the majority-owned operations –and ~97 million in the associated companies
Eurasia – a long term commitment CountryMarket position Since year BrandSubscribers September 2009 Azerbaijan11996Azercell3,688,000 Georgia11996Geocell1,560,000 Kazakhstan11998K’cell7,082,000 Moldova21999Moldcell622,000 Tajikistan12007Indigo, Somoncom1,409,000 Uzbekistan22007UCell4,759,000 Nepal22008Mero Mobile1,832,000 Cambodia42008Star-Cell141,000 Russia31994MegaFon48,324,000 Turkey*11993Turkcell36,300,000 Ukraine*32004Life11,700,000 Belarus*32008Life600,000 * Subscribers as of June Turkcell owns 54.2% in Ukraine and 80% in Belarus.
Founding partner of MegaFon Started North West GSM in St. Petersburg in 1994 Started Sonic Duo in Moscow in 2000 MegaFon established as a nationwide operator in 2002 TeliaSonera’s effective ownership in MegaFon 43.8% Russia Population:145 million Penetration:~140% Market share: Just below 30% Market position:# 3 Registered subscribers: 48,324,000
MegaFon – strong development Subscriptions (million) Net sales (RUR billion) 40% average growth rate Net income (RUR billion) 70% average growth rate
Mobile penetration Population (millions) Mobile penetration in Russia
The mobile broadband potential Moldcell in Moldova - data growth 3G services launched October 1, 2008 Country3G licence Russia √ Turkey √ Georgia √ Moldova √ Tajikistan √ Uzbekistan √ Nepal √ Cambodia √ Azerbaijann/a Kazakhstann/a Revenue split
MegaFon – partnership structure TeliaSonera holds directly and indirectly 43.8% in MegaFon AF Telecom holds directly and indirectly 31.1% in MegaFon Alfa/Altimo holds directly 25.1% in MegaFon Alfa Group / AltimoAF Telecom Holding Telecominvest 26.1% 73.9% 31.3%35.6% 8.0%25.1%