Www.unisdr.org 1 UNISDR Secretariat Asia and Pacific, IAP meeting 23-24 March 2009 www.unisdr.org The Hyogo Framework for Action - Biennial Progress Review.


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Presentation transcript:

1 UNISDR Secretariat Asia and Pacific, IAP meeting March The Hyogo Framework for Action - Biennial Progress Review Process 2007/9

2 Regional Synthesis of Progress Biennial HFA Progress Review Overview I II I

3 Dimensions of Reporting National Reporting:  Coordinated by National HFA Focal points through national consultations  Findings recorded on ‘HFA Monitor’ developed by UNISDR Regional Reporting  Sub-regional progress reports coordinated by regional inter- governmental institutions (ASEAN, SAARC, SOPAC)  Regional synthesis report on progress in HFA implementation (UNISDR) Thematic Reporting:  Reporting on sectors or cross-cutting issues relevant for the region Global Reporting:  Regional inputs to the ISDR Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) for the 2009 Global Platform on DRR

4 Roll Out of 2007/9 HFA Review Process Reporting period: July 2007 – June 2009 In Asia & Pacific:  Formulation of Regional HFA Progress Review Framework to guide regional and national level roll-out in Asia & Pacific  Introductory sessions at various regional meetings: –ISDR Asia Partnership Meetings, February and September 2008 –Meeting of the Pacific Disaster Risk Management Partnership Network March 2008, Suva (jointly with SOPAC) –Orientation Workshop on Biennial HFA Progress Review, April 2008, Bangkok (jointly with UNDP) –Regional Consultative Committee Meeting, May 2008, Colombo (jointly with ADPC)  Regional pilot testing of HFA Monitor in May 2008  Technical assistance arrangements with UNDP and ADPC to assist selected countries with HFA reporting

5 Status of HFA Progress Review National level  Completed (13): Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, South Korea, Lao PDR, Marshall Islands, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu  Ongoing (9): Bhutan, India, Maldives, Samoa, Singapore, Pakistan, Cambodia, Thailand, Viet Nam Regional Level  Sub-regional Reports (3): draft reports by ASEAN, SAARC and SOPAC  Regional Synthesis Report (1): interim draft report prepared by UNISDR  Thematic Reports: –Report on Urban Disaster Reduction in Asia (Regional Task Force on Urban DRR) –Report on Space Technology Applications in Asia (UNESCP and ADRC)

6 Regional Synthesis of Progress Overview I

7 Progress at a Glance – Regional (1/2) Regional Frameworks Based on HFA priorities and principles  ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response  ASEAN Regional Programme on Disaster Management  Pacific Regional DRM Framework for Action 2005 – 2015 (SOPAC)  SAARC Comprehensive Regional Framework for Action  SAARC Road maps for DRR  APEC Strategy for DRR and Emergency Response & Prep Regional Mechanisms Aim to accelerate HFA implementation  SAARC Disaster Management Centre (2006)  Regional Platforms on DRR/DRM: Asia (2007), Pacific (2008)  UNESCAP Regional Disaster Management Committee (2008)

8 Progress at a Glance –Regional (2/2) Regional Meetings More high level participation, alignment and synergies  Asian Ministerial Conferences on DRR (China ‘05, India ’07, Malaysia ‘08)  Pacific Regional Disaster Management Meetings  ACDR (Seoul 2006, Kazakhstan 2007)  RCC (Hanoi 2005, Kunming 2006, Bangkok 2007, Colombo 2008)  South Asia Policy Dialogues (2006, 2007) Regional Partnerships and Networks Better organized exchange, linking more partners  World Bank Global Facility for Disaster Reduction & Recovery (2006)  ISDR Asia Partnership (2003; UNISDR)  Pacific Disaster Risk Management Partnership Network (2006; SOPAC)

9 Lessons Learned from HFA Reporting (1/3) Based on findings from the joint UNISDR/UNDP initiative to support national HFA reporting capacities in selected countries*  Positive Effects of HFA Reporting: –Reached out to new stakeholders, usually not part of official DRR functions –More commitment towards shared responsibilities to achieve DRR objectives –Humanitarian sector more aware of relationship of DRR and development/MDG (Bangladesh) –Learning and capacity building, esp. of newly appointed HFA focal organizations –Opportunities to review long-term national DRR visions and priorities in relation to HFA (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines) –Enhanced capacity of NDMOs to initiate strategic analysis of DRR (Nepal, Sri Lanka) –HFA reporting more widely accepted as important political obligation and plans to institutionalize the process in some countries *Indonesia, Madlivdes, Sri Lanka, India, Philippines, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Lao PDR

10 Lessons Learned from HFA Reporting (2/3)  Challenges encountered during HFA Reporting: –Comprehensiveness of reports is determined by the level of participation of sectors and stakeholders –Individuals tasked to coordinate progress review did not have adequate training in DRR monitoring and evaluation –Limited networking and facilitation skills weakened the consultation processes –Tight reporting schedules and deadlines put additional pressures –Commitment of HFA Focal Point influenced effectiveness of reporting –Assessment of progress often subjective with little objective evidence provided –HFA reporting framework lacks a section on profiling risks and baseline information –Some repetitions and overlaps in reports due to nature of the five HFA priorities –Difficulty of non-native speakers to fully grasp meaning of progress indicators and drivers

11 Lessons Learned from HFA Reporting (1/3)  Recommendations for Immediate Follow-up Action: –Review of HFA reporting guidelines and ‘HFA Monitor’ by those involved in the current reporting cycle –Analysis of trends and patterns of reporting, including strengths and weaknesses –Identify strategy to close eventual information gaps of national reports –Review of the HFA monitoring indicators

12 Recommendations for Immediate Follow-up (2/3) –UNISDR and UNDP to continue their collaboration to: Carry out a training needs assessment of focal organizations/ individuals designated with HFA reporting functions Devise a strategy to build M&E capacities (as part of UNDP systematic DRR capacity assessment process (Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Philippines) Requirements for other countries to be assessed and work plans to be developed consider developing and roll-out of a training module on HFA/DRR monitoring & reporting

13 Recommendations for Immediate Follow-up Action :(3/3) –Clarify supportive role and operational responsibilities of regional and sub-regional organizations and institutions in the reporting process –Development of lesson learning framework –Focus country initiative, for integrated planning - Nepal as a pilot

14 Disaster risk reduction is everyone’s business. Thank you for your attention