Getting Rural Virginia Connected: a Vision for Louisa County An Initiative of the Technologies Opportunities Program (TOP) Prepared by: Jon F. Johnson Extension Area Specialist Community Technology Development Contributions: Connie S. Laws Extension Agent, Louisa County
Getting Rural Virginia Connected -an Initiative of the TOP Grant US Department of Commerce Virginia Cooperative Extension The Electronic Village of Virginia Tech and Blacksburg, Virginia (BEV) The contributions of nine rural counties across the Commonwealth
The Community Network LEV – the Louisa Electronic Village Provide leaders and citizens with tools to help their community be a vibrant and more desirable place to live, work, and play Build capacities in communities to take control of and use technology effectively Improve local economic conditions while including citizens in the decision-making process Managed by the volunteers of the Louisa Technology Leadership Team (TLT)
Features of LEV for Connecting the People of Louisa County… accounts and a list serve Discussion forums for online civic dialogue Interactive calendars Interactive directories for business, residents, civic groups, and the arts Educational workshops and ongoing training Virtual business incubator program for home- based and small businesses including web hosting and design assistance
Possible Outcomes from LEV Increased attendance at public meetings Increased Internet use by citizens driving demand for better infrastructure A grassroots technology plan for Louisa County to address infrastructural needs for business and civic growth
Possible Outcomes from LEV (2) Community network with continued local content management Continued utilization of technology and enhanced skills shared by all citizens for better trained workforce A “wired” community is more attractive to all business as technology becomes more prevalent
Possible Outcomes from LEV (3) New home-based and small business start-ups selling through the Internet Greater capacity to receive other grants Planning for regional technology corridors linking multiple communities (i.e. e- corridors project)
Why will citizens use the Louisa Electronic Village? Grassroots initiative with countywide ownership Unbiased, objective, non-commercial, citizen-designed and volunteer-led venture Promotes community pride, citizenship and computer literacy Incorporates educational workshops and other on-going training for computer and infrastructural literacy
Louisa Electronic Village (LEV) Username: louisa Password: lpass
Coming May 23, 2003!