DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 1.PERFORMANCE-BASED SERVICE CONTRACTS D Performance Based Service Contract for Environmental Services (04/03/2007) D2005-D000CH – It addresses the management of a performance-based environmental services contract resulting from a public- private competition and also discusses the use of fixed-price, performance-based, indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) task order pdf pdf
DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 2.SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Procurement Program, May 24, 2007 Memorandum from Anthoney Martoccia, Director Office of Small Business Programs, OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. Memo discusses actions taken and tools available to the acquisition workforce to help the Department of Defense achieve the SDVOSB goal. ment pdf ment pdf
DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 3.GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS 2007 REVISION Government Auditing Standards, January 2007 Revision (GAO G) Government Auditing Standards, January 2007 Revision (GAO G)
DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 4.FUTURE Prepare Yourself for the Future of Financial Management - The 2007 survey focuses on the future of financial management and the role education and training will play. (American Society of Military Comptrollers- Grant Thornton, May 2007) m/files/Industries/GlobalPublicSector/GlobalP ublicSectorGeneral/ASMC2007_Survey.pdf m/files/Industries/GlobalPublicSector/GlobalP ublicSectorGeneral/ASMC2007_Survey.pdf Civilian financial personnel must look for opportunities for broadening experiences, including those that require geographic relocations. Technical learning alone will not be enough - those who want to advance to the top must prepare for management and leadership.
DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 5.OUTSOURCING Seven Myths About Outsourcing - No. 1: 'We can have it all' - By Phanish Puranam and Kannan Srikanth The Wall Street Journal June 16, 2007; Page R We Can Have It all 2. Outsourcing Services is Like Buying Commodities 3. We Need an Ironclad Contract 4. Contracts Don't Matter 5. Vendors Are Insurance Companies 6. It's Not Our Headache Anymore 7. Our First Failure Should Be Our Last Attempt. 6.Tips for smarter outsourcing The outsourcer's dilemma - Many agencies need the help of contractors now more than ever, but outsourcing can be a minefield for the ill-prepared BY John Moore Federal Computer Week Published on June 18, Establish a cost baseline - … “clearly understand their current cost and performance baseline. Without a realistic baseline there is no way to effectively measure cost savings later in the process.” Keep politics in mind- Beware of enterprise outsourcing efforts that lack a “solid foundation of bipartisanship and a sense of shared risk between the executive and the legislature board, or council,” Don’t forget governance - Organizations should take the time to build an effective governance structure …
DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 7.ETHICS Court Affirms Employee Discharge for Non-Payment of Government Credit Card Although the U. S. Postal Service ("USPS') should not have combined the charges of misuse of postal service funds with an employee's failure to pay his government issued credit card ("GICC') balance on time, the Federal Circuit affirmed the agency's discharge. 8.Political Activity (Hatch Act) -
DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 9.BEST PRACTICES Best Practices in State and Local Government Contract Management – The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) has become a proven leader in contract administration. By Robert F. New Jr., David Vila, Jeanne Kinsel, and John Peterson Contract Management / January 2007 Page 40 1. Training linked to Outcomes 2. Commitment to Cultural Diversity and Minority Outreach 3. Benefits of Electronic Contract Administration 4. Quality Control Through Peer Reviews 5. Strategic Sourcing and Public-Private Partnerships
DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 10.Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence v.3 - A working group of various law enforcement agencies was convened to identify common issues encountered in today's electronic crime scenes. (DHS/U.S. Secret Service, 2007) Federal Computer Week There are general principles to follow when responding to any crime scene in which computers and electronic technology may be involved. Several of those are as follows: Office safety, If the computer is involved in the crime you are investing, take immediate steps to preserve the evidence.
DOD Western Regional Council for Small Business Education & Advocacy Legislative Update – Corporations 6/29/07 11.Dialing 911 for Laptops - Government Technology Dialing 911 for Laptops. Feb 14, 2007, By Chandler Harris. · In 2005, according to an FBI computer crime survey of more than 2,000 public and private organizations in four states, the average financial loss for each stolen laptop amounts to $89,000. · Recommending four actions: (1) use encryption (2) use two- factor authentication (3) ensure that users re-authenticate after 30 minutes of inactivity; and (4) verify that all sensitive data is purged within 90 days if no longer required..Reducing the amount of confidential data on laptop computers is the most effective way to avoid data loss.