Education in Developing Countries University of Nevada – Las Vegas Rebecca Winthrop February 10, 2011
1 Introduction
2 Living on less than $1.25/day Source: UN Estimates, ; Creative Commons
3 Infant Mortality: Deaths/1000 Source: UN Human Development Index
4 Challenges in Developing Countries 150 million children 5-14 are engaged in child labor. 18 million children are living with the effects of displacement. 15 million children have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDs. Risk of maternal death is 300 times greater for women living in the least developed countries. 1.1 billion people lack access to sanitation facilities. 1 billion children are deprived of one or more services essential to survival. Source: UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2009 & WHO Water Sanitation and Health Statistics
5 Youth Demographic Source: World Bank World Development Report 2007
6 Question: What is the education story in the developing world... … and where is the biggest need for educational improvement?
7 High Education Development Index Source: UNESCO Global Monitoring Report 2009
8 Low Education Development Index Source: UNESCO Global Monitoring Report 2009
9 Education in Conflict Areas Country# Primary-Aged Out of School Children in 2010 Country# Primary-Aged Out of School Children in 2010 Afghanistan1,816,000Liberia447,000 Angola824,000Myanmar (Burma)16,000 Burundi244,000Nepal714,000 Cambodia220,000Nigeria8,221,000 Central African Republic310,000Pakistan6,821,000 Chad1,186,000Republic of Congo244,000 Colombia413,000Rwanda88,000 Cote d’Ivoire1,164,000Sierra Leone285,000 Democratic Republic of Congo5,203,000Somalia1,280,000 Eritrea349,000Sri Lanka51,000 Ethiopia3,721,000Sudan2,798,000 Guinea362,000Timor Leste71,000 Haiti706,000Uganda281,000 Iraq508,000Zimbabwe281,000 TOTAL 38,684,000 Source: Save the Children Rewrite the Future, 2009
10 Where are out-of-school youth? Source: UNESCO Global Monitoring Report 2010
12 Poverty and Conflict holding back Educational Progress
13 The Power of Education in addressing poverty and conflict
14 Spurs economic growth in developing countries
15 New markets and consumer bases for U.S. goods and services
16 Increases security, decreases conflict.
17 Produces healthier families
18 The right thing to do.
19 What has the global community done about education around the world?
20 Human Right to Education Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
21 Education For All Global compact between developed and developing countries. Pledged that all countries with strong plans for education would not go unfunded. 20 th Anniversary
22 Millennium Development Goals Source: Center for Global Development, 2010
23 The new education challenge: A Global Learning Crisis.
24 Percentage of Students Who Could not Read a Single Word, Source: End of Grade 2 Early Reading Assessments. Complete reports available at