AECEN – Established in 2005 in Manila Mission – To promote improved compliance with environmental policies, laws and regulations through the exchange of innovative policies and practices Objectives: Promote development and implementation of improved policies and institutions Strengthen practitioner capacity Support regional sharing of best practices AECEN MISSION
Members – national and sub-national agencies responsible for identifying, monitoring and correcting non-compliance with environmental laws and other requirements Other participants – judges, lawyers, civil society, business leaders, experts, and representatives from international organizations join AECEN activities as participants and observers New Members: Japan joined AECEN at the end of 2006 Nepal joined AECEN at the end of 2007 AECEN MEMBERSHIP
11 Members 10 national environmental agencies People’s Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam 1 sub-national environmental agency Laguna Lake Development Authority, Philippines AECEN MEMBERS
Supports the AECEN Executive Committee Supports development of country and regional activities through technical assistance, program coordination, small grants, and exchanges Knowledge management and outreach through website Establishes linkages with international organizations and other networks Reaches out to new members and promotes network sustainability Organizes the AECEN Regional Forum and Asian Justices Forum on the Environment THE AECEN SECRETARIAT
Regional Principles Rapid Country Program Assessments Country Pilot Activities Regional Forum Asian Justices Forum on the Environment Regional Cooperation and Training AECEN Website NETWORK ACTIVITIES
Support development of more effective compliance and enforcement programs, and provide framework for AECEN activities Reflect national experiences in Asia and worldwide Organized in six categories Secretariat worked with Members to develop draft principles through consultative process using Internet Principles now in final form and Secretariat will develop publication in 2008 REGIONAL PRINCIPLES
Assessments follow template to enable cross-country comparison Assessments provide basis for pilot activities on priority country topics To date, AECEN has completed rapid assessments in India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam In 2007, Indonesia Ministry of Environment completed rapid assessment in partnership with Indonesian Center for Environmental Law In 2008, World Bank will support assessment in Nepal RAPID COUNTRY PROGRAM ASSESSMENTS
AECEN Secretariat and other partners support country pilot projects that demonstrate Regional Principles in priority areas Results include adoption of innovative policies and practices, and increased practitioner capacity Pilot projects link Member countries Pilot projects in 2006 included initiatives in: Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam In 2008, India and Indonesia will initiate pilot projects COUNTRY PILOT ACTIVITIES
Philippines – Compliance Promotion Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) developed compliance assistance center for commercial hog farm and slaughterhouse industries LLDA and National Meat Inspection Service launched compliance assistance website in October – first of its kind in the Philippines Shared experience with Thailand, Chinese Taipei and United States COUNTRY PILOT ACTIVITIES
Thailand – Compliance Promotion Pollution Control Department (PCD) and Kasetsart University establishing compliance assistance center for the swine sector serving the Tha Chin and Bang Pa Kong River basins Center to provide training, technical guidance, and technical and regulatory information via website Shared experience with Philippines, Chinese Taipei and United States COUNTRY PILOT ACTIVITIES
Sri Lanka – Incentives-based Program Developing a wastewater discharge fee program Established intergovernmental technical committee Targeting textile and tanning sectors with COD as the main parameter Established linkages with LLDA of the Philippines COUNTRY PILOT ACTIVITIES
Vietnam – Compliance Inspection Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment established environmental inspector training program Conducted nationwide hands-on training of over 300 inspectors in three workshops Technical exchanges with counterpart inspectors from Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and United States Developing national procedures for further training nationwide COUNTRY PILOT ACTIVITIES
Hanoi, Vietnam – 2006 Hosted by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Presented draft Regional Principles and common indicators Developed regional priorities and strategies for compliance promotion, incentives and public participation REGIONAL FORUM
ASIAN JUSTICES FORUM ON THE ENVIRONMENT Supreme Court of the Philippines and Philippine Judicial Academy hosted regional forum in July Senior justices from Australia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and U.S. shared experiences Philippines presented new institutional options for environmental adjudication – e.g., green benches and training initiatives Key regional partners include United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Asia Pacific Jurist Association (APJA) ASIAN JUSTICES FORUM ON THE ENVIRONMENT
Participated in 2006 Better Air Quality Conference of Clean Air Initiative in Indonesia in December 2006 Organized two workshops on public participation, and enforcement and compliance in partnership with U.S. EPA In 2008, support International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE) 8 th International Conference in South Africa REGIONAL COOPERATION AND TRAINING
WEBSITE: Continued to strengthen AECEN website Developed Best Practices Inventory to enable Members and others to upload and download best practices AECEN WEBSITE:
Member-to-Member Twinning Program Annual Awards for Excellence Announcement on 2008 Regional Forum NEW INITIATIVES FOR 2008
PRINCIPAL FUNDING PARTNERS United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Through its regional program Environmental Cooperation- Asia (ECO-Asia), USAID works to promote the adoption and implementation of improved environmental laws, polices and institutional arrangements in seven Asian countries – Cambodia India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Asian Development Bank (ADB) A multilateral development finance institution, promotes economic and social progress by fighting poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Established in 1966, ADB is a multilateral development finance institution owned by 59 members, mostly from Asia and the Pacific.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency World Bank Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) Asia Pacific Jurist Association (APJA) International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE) Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession (ECENA) AECEN PARTNERS