PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center for Whole Community Health Dr. Leasa Lowy, MD, BSN, FACOG Bellingham, WA Whatcom County
PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center Non-Profit Hospital serving a community Providing 253 acute care beds Medical Staff of over 300 Employing more than 2,200 personnel and 400 volunteers Delivering a full complement of healthcare services: –Behavior Health, Cardiovascular, Medicine, Neurosciences, Orthopedics, Rehab, Oncology, Peri-operative, Women’s & Children’s, Trauma, Emergency Medicine, Wound Healing and Disaster Management.
Our Journey Toward Whole Community Healthcare Quality 1891 – St. Joseph Hospital opened its doors to patients in Bellingham, WA 1976 – The Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace form a separate corporation known as Health & Hospital Services to effectively meet the challenges of contemporary health care 1990 – Significant commitment made to quality and continuous improvement strategies 1994 – PeaceHealth begins developing electronic Community Health Record – PH trip to Japan to see how industry examples of improvement translate to healthcare 2001 – PH embraces the IOMs Crossing the Quality Chasm $1.9 million “Pursing Perfection” grant awarded to PeaceHealth and Whatcom County to build needed infrastructure to transform care across the community – Sweden Partnership 2003 – PH Leadership Model is created to focus dialogue and discussion on who we are and what we do in service to the PH mission and vision 2004 – PH signs up along with other American hospitals to save 100,000 lives in deploying 6 proven interventions 2006 – Shared Care Plan is developed and deployed to the community 2009 – Partnering to develop a Washington State Health Record Bank (HRB) 2009 – 1 st submission of WSQA Performance Excellence Full Application
Why the Baldrige Framework? Baldrige is a great and essential framework For collaborating with organizations who seldom have worked together. With objective outside assessments That already spans sectors and could help bring them together for the health and wellbeing of their communities Health, Industry, Small Business, Schools/Universities, and Government, and Non-Profits. There are already existing non-profit regional healthcare role models to learn from
Baldrige Criteria is well aligned with a community approach A few examples include: 1.1 a1 How Senior leaders set and deploy organizational mission, vision, and values to all stakeholders -- including community. 1.2c Societal Responsibilities, support of key communities, and community health 2.1 and 2.2 Developing and Deploying Strategy -- includes community stakeholders 3.1 Patient and community stakeholder engagement 3.2 a Patient and stakeholder listening 6.1 a Worksystem design
The Framework in Action Cath code at the tennis –Community outreach, activated intervention plan, EMT, Hospital Cath Code, Patient Outcome Improvement due to community care connections, Door to Balloon Time 18 minutes –Linkages make the difference Our Next Steps: Leveraging our strengths across service lines and learn from others
Standardized 30 Day Readmission Rates Outcomes for our Patients and Community
Why Now? As a community, we have to partner to manage the escalating costs of healthcare to continue to take care of the health of the community.