Bolton Economic Development Committee Why? 1.Master Plan, Sustainable Village Center Study (UMass study) refer to economic development. 2.Proactive approach rather than a reactive approach to economic development 3.Frequently receive inquires about what type of businesses desirable in town, what is available, what should the design be. 4.Increase or expand tax base 5.Fill empty or underutilized businesses – blight
Mission Statement To help attract, retain and grow business & jobs in Bolton to expand the tax base and improve the economic environment & quality of life for its residents & meet the long term needs of the community. To encourage the appropriate re- development of empty or underutilized business & industrial space or property.
Advisory Committee ? Name of Committee: ? Economic Development Committee/Task Force etc.. Seven members appointed by BOS on 3 term staggered basis. Ideal members could be: 1 planning board member, 2 Bolton business leaders in agriculture and large commercial, town planner, town administrator, residents with professional experience as real estate broker, real estate attorney, banking/financing, real estate developer, marketing, business development.
EDC would work closely with other boards and committees such as Conservation, Board of Health, Agriculture Committee, Energy Committee, Local Bolton and town residents. Refer to Master Plan and Sustainable Village Center Study. Committee would meet with the BOS quarterly and develop a Economic Development Action Plan, gain feedback from town and also submit a report for the annual town meeting report.
Present Action Goals for the EDC
1. Point of Contact Provide a point of contact/present a public face Office (town planner) Address, phone number, and webpage
2. Create point of contact Connect with regional & state network of economic development offices & statewide business & industrial organizations e.g. Chamber of Commerce, Mass Development, Regional office of Mass Business…. Visit local businesses to introduce the EDC. Solicit their needs & what type of help they may require to grow their operation.
3. Retention & Recruitment 1.Build upon existing economic base –Conduct a profile of Bolton’s economic base –What type & size companies make up local economy. Are they local, national or international businesses? –Is sales volume growing or decreasing? –Will they require future land/bld expansion –Are they manufacturers or service providers 2.Availability & quantity of development resources: –Buildings and land is available 3.Brownfield sites or redevelopment sites
4. Develop a database of available facilities 1.Need an inventory of available facilities & sites that are zoned properly & can accommodate business activity in order to respond to inquires. –Formulate a data sheet for each property with information on location, size, # of floors, utility services, truck access, price per sq. ft, acres, realtor & property owner contact information, photographs & geographic locator map –List of development opportunities for Brownfield sites (could use state & federal funding for cleanups) and underutilized buildings such as commercial buildings, low levels of occupancy, abandoned public buildings or land etc..
5. Provide technical assistance & support 1.Provide information for prospective businesses on sources of financing both private and government. –Banks that service area –Regional, state and federal agencies –Local Chamber of Commerce 2.Tax information 3.Link to labor network e.g. colleges, schools etc…
Powers Advisory. The EDC will have strong local control and public oversight over economic development. No powers for financing (bonds, TIFS) Act as a liaison between businesses and other town boards & committees, state agencies, and other organizations such as banks or other businesses. In the future the town may find that it may desire other ranges of activities and have the ability to issue bonds, eminent domain, financing and land development and may want to establish another type of organization under Mass Law e.g. Community Development Department, Local Development Corporation, Community Development Corporation.
Future Action Goals
Create an Economic Development Action Plan – Obtain town support on economic goals and future Explore initiatives e.g. 43D, ETA Explore zoning and tax incentives Explore infrastructure improvements Utilizing the Master Plan and Sustainable Village Center Study explore other areas in Bolton that may be suitable for zoning changes, mixed use, 40R (Smart Growth Districts) 43D (priority development sites) and make recommendations for zoning changes.
Working with the Planning Board create Design Guidelines for various districts e.g. industrial, limited business/business and future mixed use districts Work closely with other boards such as Agriculture Committee, Board of Health, Conservation Commission and public. Determine the type of businesses desired and economically feasible in Bolton: Refer to Master Plan, Sustainable Village Center Study (surveys conducted on type of businesses desired and where people currently go). Speak to other boards and committees, organizations. Make zoning change recommendations if required.
Current Other Town Initiatives Green Communities Act – Bolton awarded a grant to fund a consultant to work with the town in becoming a Green Community. Will be able to obtain grants to use for sustainable initiatives in town. Will look at “green” businesses and modify bylaws to allow green businesses that are desirable to Bolton to be sited here. Applied and reapplying for a grant to provide a consultant to assist the town with mixed use and design guideline implementation.