NIST: Promoting U.S. Innovation and Industrial Competitiveness National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S. Department of Commerce
NIST Mission To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life
NIST Strategies for Success Help the U.S. to drive and take advantage of the increased pace of technological change Foster more efficient transactions in the domestic and global marketplace by promoting more effective development and use of standards Address selected critical national needs assigned to NIST
What NIST Brings to a Partnership Unique mission World-renowned and highly trained scientists and engineers Unique capabilities and facilities Strategic focus Strong relationships with Industry Academia Government agencies
NIST At A Glance 2,800 employees (Gaithersburg, Maryland; Boulder, Colorado; Charleston, South Carolina) 1,800 guest researchers 1,500 field agents 850 users of facilities NIST Laboratories TIP Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program Baldrige National Quality Program ©Robert Rathe Photo by Barry Gardner
The NIST Laboratories
NIST Center for Neutron Research National resource for neutron- based measurements “See” structure at the nanoscale Uniquely sensitive to hydrogen Probe magnetic structure Non-destructive probe Fuel cells H2 storage materials Magnetic data storage Preservation of pharmaceuticals Chemistry of cement Petrochemicals POC: Dr. Pat Gallagher, (301)
Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) New multidisciplinary center aimed at converting nanotechnology discoveries to products New multidisciplinary center aimed at converting nanotechnology discoveries to products Mission: develop the necessary measurement science and instrumentation to meet emerging needs Mission: develop the necessary measurement science and instrumentation to meet emerging needs Establish the materials and process characterization to enable scaled-up, reliable, cost effective manufacturing of nanoscale materials, structures, devices, and systems Establish the materials and process characterization to enable scaled-up, reliable, cost effective manufacturing of nanoscale materials, structures, devices, and systems Partner with industry, academia, and government to turn the potential of nanotechnology into reality Partner with industry, academia, and government to turn the potential of nanotechnology into reality POC: Dr. Robert Celotta, (301)
University of Colorado NIST has…...strong partnerships Hollings Marine Laboratory International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors
NIST has…...strong partnerships
NIST provides innovation infrastructure to… … improve quality of life cholesterol standard reference material standards for sulfur in fossil fuels database and measurements for alternative refrigerants prostate and breast-cancer treatment drinking water quality
Business assistance includes: Quality management Human resource development Financial planning Technical assistance includes: E-commerce Process improvement Plant layout Product development Energy audits The Hollings MEP is a nationwide network that provides hands-on help to smaller manufacturers. Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program
SBIR TT Solicitation The NIST SBIR Program is releasing a new type of Solicitation in FY08 emphasizing an increase in private sector commercialization of innovations derived from federal R&D Commercially promising NIST patents and technologies will be identified along with the research gaps that delay their commercialization –That research will be funded with the goal of advancing the NIST technologies into the US market
SBIR TT Solicitation (cont’d) The FY08 SBIR TT Solicitation will: –Serve as a pilot to include research subtopics that address the technical areas described in NIST patents –Grant a non-exclusive research license to the SBIR awardee –Provide the option of a non-exclusive commercialization license to the awardee –Rights to all SBIR funded research will be owned by the small business awardee
SBIR TT Solicitation (cont’d) Once selected and supported with a license to use NIST technology, the SBIR awardee will: –Have access to NIST personnel, facilities, and knowledge regarding the invention (as necessary) –Be in a position to create and add their own innovation(s) –Potentially develop a product based on the NIST patent
Training the Next Generation… Student Employment and Internships – Student Volunteer Program – Student Temporary Employment Program (HS through Graduate) – Student Career Experience Program (co-op HS through Graduate) – Internship Programs (including the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Post-Secondary Programs – Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) – Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) – NIST/NRC Postdoctoral Research Program – NIH/NIST Joint Postdoctoral Research Program