GAFSP/NAFSP &Nepal: An Interventionist FOs/CSOs Concerns A Presentation at GAFSP-KM Workshop By NAFSP/ FOs Co-Ordinator Prof Keshab Khadka, Ph D CCM & Head, Research Department, All Nepal Peasants’ Federation Organised by AFA/Agricord/AsiaDHRRA/CSA, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 8-11 Nov 2012
Strategies and Activities 1 Strengthen linkages, understanding and effectiveness Resource Generation 1 Continue dialogue among FOs and CSOs Continue constructive dialogue with govt, donor Strengthen Linkages with GAFSP process thru' AFA, AgriCORD, AsiaDHRRA, etc Mutual fund raising
Cont. 2 Assertive interactions with Govt & stakeholder at Local to national level 3 Use GAFSP lessons as spring board for involvement in all major program processes of agriculture and livelihood 4 Communication & Knowledge Management 2Strong at strategic designing with clearly defined roles 3 Influence Min of Agri to have Farmer Desk -Build Capacity of FOs & related CSOs -Increase link with country level donors 4 Networking & partnership across & vertical
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