HIGH SCHOOL VS. COLLEGE WRITING HIGH SCHOOL Few to no spelling errors Simple or unclear sentence structure is acceptable but not preferred Somewhat address the assigned task COLLEGE Establish an argument Use specific examples to defend your argument Fewer simple sentences and more complex sentences
HIGH SCHOOL VS. COLLEGE WRITING CONT. Difference between high school structure and college structure Article discussing the differences iting/high_school_v_college.htm
DESCRIPTION OF F LEVEL WRITING Lacks competence Readers have difficulty discerning a thesis or pattern of organization The ideas are undeveloped or incoherent, and problems in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics render the essay unacceptable as college-level writing.
DESCRIPTION OF D LEVEL WRITING The thesis is vague, the development skimpy Readers have trouble following the writer's line of thought because of jumbled organization. Sentences are awkward or immature, and mechanical errors add to readers' difficulties, suggesting that the writer worked in haste, perhaps without taking time to understand the subject thoroughly.
DESCRIPTION OF C LEVEL WRITING The introduction states the thesis and sets up the paper's organization The essay meets the requirements of the assignment and contains sufficient supporting details to make the overall point clear to readers, but leaves them with unanswered questions Some awkwardness indicates that the writer may not be completely in command of the subject or is still struggling with the ideas
DESCRIPTION OF B LEVEL WRITING The introduction states clearly the controlling idea and sets up the essay's organization Effective supporting details make the essay worthwhile reading, and sentence-structures emphasize ideas. Strong transitions add to the essay's coherence; the diction is lively and appropriate. The writer knows the subject well enough to explain it without making mechanical errors that distract readers.
DESCRIPTION OF A LEVEL WRITING The introduction engages the readers and clearly states a thoughtful, perceptive thesis; the support is concrete and so rich in detail that readers learn by reading the essay. The ideas are logically organized to achieve maximum effect; transitions are graceful. The writer is obviously comfortable with his or her material and knows enough about the subject to explain it in great detail.
WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM This standard of excellence in writing is not limited to English courses Most majors require students to write long research papers and extensive lab reports of some kind Excellent written communication is one of the most commonly stated required skills in job advertisements in ALL areas of the workforce
WRITING RESOURCES ON CAMPUS Your BEST resource is the instructor for whom the assignment is due: they are the ones grading your paper!
WRITING RESOURCES ON CAMPUS CONT. Writing Lab: 412 Kent Library FREE assistance Appointment is recommended if draft is longer than 10 pages. For any stage of the writing process from invention to revising your Works Cited page.
WRITING RESOURCES ON CAMPUS CONT. OWL: Online Writing Lab Submit a draft for review or send a question. Staff will reply within 24 hours.
HELPFUL LINKS Guide to Writing a Basic Essay Dr. Grammar Purdue Owl (Work Cited Information) Harvard Writing Center Guide to Grammar and Writing
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