INCRISD South Asia Project Presentation Handicap International, Oxfam, ActionAid Workshop with NARRI Consortium, Bangladesh July 13 th -14 th 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

INCRISD South Asia Project Presentation Handicap International, Oxfam, ActionAid Workshop with NARRI Consortium, Bangladesh July 13 th -14 th 2013

Why a regional project on inclusive DRM? Women, persons with disabilities and socially excluded groups are, together with other marginalized groups, at higher risk with regards to natural hazards Yet, no harmonized, regionally-based, locally appropriate inclusive DRM Framework exists in South Asia nor is recognized by relevant region-wide DRM actors

Where does INCRISD South Asia come from? Regional Lessons Learnt Workshop for Sixth DIPECHO Action Plan in South Asia Learning 1: “Community based disaster risk reduction can becomes inclusive if vulnerable and excluded groups and minorities get involved during the conceptualization, design, and implementation and lead the process along with local stakeholders” Learning 2: “An inclusive planning and budgeting can ensure equitable resource allocation”

A first regional project by Handicap International “Make Disaster Risk Reduction Disability Inclusive in Asia” Handicap International, Oxfam and ActionAid’s collaborative experiences (e.g. Bangladesh and Nepal) have demonstrated: Added value of putting expertise together

What a regional project on inclusive DRM for? INCRISD South Asia project aims at designing, validating and promoting a regionally-based Inclusive Framework on CBDRM, by establishing a close collaboration with DIPECHO-funded projects and in general DRM stakeholders in 6 South Asian countries: -Afghanistan -Bangladesh -India -Nepal -Pakistan -Sri Lanka

INCRISD South Asia: Objectives General objective: To build safer, more resilient communities in South Asia, by promoting an Inclusive CBDRM Framework with a replication and scaling-up perspective through longer term national and international DRR instruments Specific objective: An Inclusive DRM Framework used by key stakeholders, enhanced regional partnerships and achieved cross fertilization increases the coping capacities of the most vulnerable segments of the population in South Asia to face and manage adverse conditions, emergencies or disasters

Logic of Intervention IMPROVE RESILIENCE, including (of) socially excluded persons PROMOTE & DISSEMINATE THE FRAMEWORK CONSOLIDATE AN INCLUSIVE DRM FRAMEWORK Stakeholders’ involvement, cross-fertilization and CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Full recognition and participation of socially excluded persons

What does it mean for your DIPECHO project? All activities conducted in the interest of model validation / enrichment and will result neither in the initiation of new projects nor in the duplication of activities. INCRISD South Asia does not implement directly in the field, but through target DIPECHO projects in each country for pilot-testing. By inclusive DRM framework, INCRISD South Asia means a framework of reference drawn from pilot-testing and good practices collected at field level. The inclusive model will comprise: basic principles, approaches, methodologies and reference to tools on inclusive DRM. It does not intend to substitute the DP model put forward by DIPECHO projects; on the contrary, it builds on projects’ good practices and pilot testing in terms of inclusion while enhancing regional partnerships and cross-fertilization.

What benefits for your DIPECHO project? Your project will improve its inclusiveness and ultimately impact on most marginalized groups Your teams will benefit from a capacity development process on inclusion: -“Learning by doing” (Making it Work methodology) -Facilitation and customised technical support by INCRISD South Asia team (comprising of dedicated staff from Handicap International, Oxfam and ActionAid) if/where needed. -Access to “products” of the cross-fertilization process (toolkit on inclusive DRM, training packages, resource management center, etc.)

With which DRM stakeholders? All DIPECHO partners and other DRM actors will actively contribute to the consolidation and promotion of the framework (adding in their expertise and experience on inclusion of socially excluded groups / individuals in DRM) Yet, for pilot-testing and good practices collection, some targeted DIPECHO projects will be involved in additional activities: in Bangladesh, NARRI and DeSHARI DRM coordination platforms in each country will also be involved for the promotion and dissemination of the inclusive model at national level

Expected result 1: CONSOLIDATE THE FRAMEWORK A Framework on inclusive DRM is designed and validated through good practice collection and pilot-testing within target in-country DIPECHO projects and involvement of key DRM actors in South Asian countries Pilot testing Collectio n of good practices Consolidate an inclusive DRM Framework Stakeholders involvement including marginalized persons / groups: Advisory Committee at regional level, DRM actors at national level, advisory groups at local level Preliminary Framework

Purpose of collecting documenting inclusive DRM practices Document learning on inclusive DRM practices Provide evidence to consolidate an inclusive DRM framework Influence stakeholders on inclusive DRM approaches Establish inclusive DRM framework as a reference Spread / replicate inclusive DRM approaches

Expected result 1: MAIN ACTIVITIES and MILESTONES Consolidation of an inclusive DRM frameworkQuarters Activities Compile preliminary framework with: -in-country workshops -In-country consultations 1.2. Launch and run regional advisory committee 1.3. Pilot-testing 1.4. Mapping 1.5. Document learning and collect good practices 1.6. Development of inclusive action plans 1.7. Consolidate results 1.8. Validate inclusive DRM model

DIPECHO projects to contribute to the INCLUSIVE FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL DIPECHO PROJECTS AND OTHER DRM ACTORS: Participate to consultations / workshops at national and international level to build up and validate the inclusive framework in an international multi- stakeholder setting, adding in their experience and expertise on inclusion Share experiences and practices on inclusive DRM FOR NARRI and DeSHARI DIPECHO projects, additionally: Establish a mechanism for good practices selection in 20% of targeted communities including setting up advisory groups at local level to ensure full participation of all segments of society (e.g. Disabled Persons Organizations, minorities, Women’s saving groups…) in defining context-adapted criteria on good practices Support the communities / Set up of local advisory groups to develop action plans for integration and replication of the inclusive model in local and national DRR/M systems Pilot-test inclusive approaches to DRM within the 20% of targeted communities and consolidate results of inclusive model pilot communities, related to good practices Limited and conditioned financial support to allow local advisory groups to collect and document good practices collection if required

Expected result 2: PROMOTE AND DISSEMINATE THE FRAMEWORK Communities, local, national and regional institutions, international organisations and institutional donors are willing to adopt and use the evidence-based inclusive DRM framework Commu nity Disseminate inclusive Framework for community level Information, Education and Communication activities Local Support the implementation of inclusive action plans, targeting representatives of DRR/M authorities, district,... and local self-governance institutions Nationa l Provide technical inputs to DRM stakeholders Promote harmonized approach related to inclusive messages, media and tools for the observation of DRR days at national and international levels Region al Promote the validated model to the HIP implementing partners (DIPECHO South Asia Lessons Learnt Workshop) Contribute to the HFA 2015 review process

Expected result 2: MAIN ACTIVITIES and MILESTONES Promotion and diffusion of the inclusive DRM frameworkQuarters Activities Disseminate inclusive DRM framework through community level IEC activities 2.2. Support the implementation of inclusive action plans 2.3. Harmonize inclusive messages, media and tools for DRR days at national and international levels 2.4. High level regional awareness-raising initiatives targeting regional platforms 2.5. Promote the inclusive DRM framework to the HIP implementing partners 2.6. Contribute to the HFA 2015 review process

DIPECHO projects to contribute to the INCLUSIVE FRAMEWORK DIFFUSION FOR ALL DIPECHO PROJECTS AND OTHER DRM ACTORS: Disseminate inclusive framework for community level Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities you have already planned within your project Encourage integration and replication of the inclusive model in local development planning and policy, taking on direct ownership of the model Promote harmonized, inclusive messages for the observation of DRR days and other similar events at national level FOR NARRI and DeSHARI DIPECHO projects, additionally: Organize inclusive awareness-raising initiative targeting national institutions and in-country international organizations and donors (e.g. DRR days) Limited and conditioned financial support for the implementation of action plans of local advisory groups to replicate good practices.

Expected result 3: DEVELOP STAKEHOLDERS’ CAPACITY The capacities of stakeholders from community to international level on inclusive DRR/M are strengthened to contribute to the development, promotion, integration and replication of the Inclusive Framework Transfer know-how: INCRISD South Asia as a help-desk, providing technical support on the Inclusive Framework and its operationalization Establish and field-test mechanism for learning, training and professional interaction: - Inclusive DRM toolkit and training modules - E-Learning mechanisms and interactive forum (resource management center) Capacity Development

Expected result 3: MAIN ACTIVITIES and MILESTONES Capacity Development of DRM stakeholdersQuarters Activities Transfer know-how to in-country projects 3.2. Develop toolkit on inclusive DRM for South Asia 3.3. Develop inclusive training packages 3.4. Create training and professional interaction mechanism 3.5. Conduct trainings on inclusive DRM model to regional Consortium’s partners 3.6. Set-up an on-line Resource Management Center

DIPECHO projects to participate in CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL DIPECHO PROJECTS AND OTHER DRM ACTORS: Have access to the toolkit on inclusive CBDRM for South Asia Have access to inclusive training packages (disability, gender, minority groups, low castes and other marginalized groups) Have access to an on-line Resource Management Centre Nb: Those will only be available during the implementation as a result of the pilot-testing. Get technical support on inclusive DRM when designing a Disaster Preparedness model FOR TARGETED NARRI and DeSHARI DIPECHO projects, additionally: Get technical support on the implementation and pilot-testing of the inclusive framework (focus on disability, knowledge management, social inclusion and gender) at community, local, provincial/national level through: a distance 'help desk‘ and ad hoc missions, meetings and visits to the projects

Any question? THANKS!