Johannes Kiess World Bank Innovation Labs Development Assistance Database CoP Nairobi, January 22, 2014 Toward and Open Aid Map
Turning Data Into Information Bolivia, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, United States Agency for International Development, African Development Bank, Akvo, Development Initiatives, the Foundation Center, InterAction, ONE, Publish What You Fund, UN-Habitat and the World Bank Group. Strengthen capacity to collect, curate and publish open development data. Develop an Open Aid Map to visualize the locations of development activities. Build capacity of citizens to understand, use and give feedback on open development data.
Turning Data Into Information Project Documents Project Data Information
Turning Data Into Information
Data Ownership Bolivia: Country-owned development data at the subnational level
Data Analysis
Do Projects Target the Poor?
Alignement With Goals Access to water (one of MDGs) and water projects Rural Developm ent Projects are close to roads
Who does what where? World Bank Group, UNDP, UNOPS, UN-Habitat Operations in the DRC
Systems Integration Public and donor expenditure in Bolivia
it’s not (only) about open data, it is how we use it
Engaging CSOs and Media Data Literacy Bootcamps in Malawi, Nepal, and Bolivia
Turning Data Into Information
Policy Makers: Data Workshop Malawi for Government and Local Donor Community
Nepal Healthcare Needs and Actual Budget Expenditures Evidence-based policy making and public service provision for improved efficiency and effectiveness of government services