Session 3C: Monitoring and Evaluation of C/DRR: Tools and Strategies A Self-Monitoring Tool on Education Policies and Plans for Conflict and Disaster Risk Reduction Credit UNICEF Laos Leonora MacEwen, UNESCO-IIEP
Presentation outline Steps of the planning process and explain the importance of monitoring C/DRR Objectives of the self-monitoring questionnaire Key findings of the analysis of the completed self-monitoring questionnaires Strengths and weakness of the self-monitoring questionnaire
The five steps in the planning process Sector diagnosis Where are we now? Monitoring and evaluation How do we know we have reached there? Policy formulation Where do we want to be? Cost and financing How much will it cost and who will pay? Selection of objectives and priority programmes How do we get there?
C/DRR in the education planning process Phases of the planning cycle Conflict and disasters aspects: examples Education Sector Diagnosis Conflict and disaster risk analysis (security, political, economic, social) – conflict and disaster impacts on education and vice versa Policy formulation Policies on e.g.: Schools as safe and child-friendly spaces (zones of peace); equity policies; curriculum policy; etc. Objectives and programmes Priority programmes: Curriculum review; teacher training; school-based emergency preparedness plans; relocate, retrofit schools; etc. M&E framework Conflict and disaster indicators integrated into data collection; maps; EMIS review; e.g. attacks on schools Cost & financing framework Ensuring adequate financing, including from humanitarian sources and government budgets.
Objectives of the self-monitoring questionnaire Assess MoEs current status in terms of integrating C/DRR into education policies and plans at the national level, and to a limited extent at school level; Identify key areas where C/DRR can be included in education policy and planning documents and processes; Help MoEs determine what actions are needed to make C/DRR an integral element of education sector planning.
Sections of the self-monitoring questionnaire I. Conflict and Disaster Risk Assessment II. Policies for Risk Reduction III a. Education Sector Plans for Risk Reduction III b. Implementation of priority C/DRR programmes III c. Teaching and Learning IV. Organizational Arrangements and Coordination V. Costing and Financing VI. Monitoring & Evaluation VII. Capacity development
Methodology Each section of the questionnaire requires inputs from different government officials in each country A list of suggested relevant personnel to complete each section was provided to those completing the questionnaire It was recommended that a focal person in-country be responsible for administrating and explaining the questionnaire to MoE staff
Phase II of UNESCO Bangkok “Education in Emergencies for Sustainable Development” Project Country Use of the self-monitoring questionnaire Bangladesh Completed Bhutan Lao PDR Myanmar Nepal Philippines Sri Lanka Uzbekistan Considered that data collected through the questionnaire was politically sensitive Vietnam Language issue and considered that data collected through the questionnaire was politically sensitive
Key findings from analysis National policy frameworks for C/DRR exist in all participating countries Integration of C/DRR in education sector plans is on track but needs to be further operationalized at all levels Organizational arrangements and coordination efforts need strengthening Monitoring systems need to be developed and implemented, including C/DRR data collection and integration with EMIS Further C/DRR capacity development is needed Consideration of conflict risk reduction may also be appropriate
Methodological concerns Different ways of completing the questionnaire: By different persons (Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Nepal) By one single person (Bhutan, Philippines, Sri Lanka) Data collected through the questionnaires highly depend on the quality of the information delivered by each respondent The self-monitoring questionnaire should not be used as a stand-alone tool Important to gather complementary information
How can the self-monitoring questionnaire be improved? Ensure that the most relevant person completes each specific section Use it as an interview guide to obtain more qualitative comments, and further details and examples (e.g. indicators; timeframe; etc.) Compare information collected with other sources of information (interviews, working sessions, etc.) Translate the questionnaire into local languages to facilitate its use and dissemination Adapt the questionnaire to politically sensitive contexts