VIM Visual Integration and Mining THE US NATIONAL VIRTUAL OBSERVATORY A Tool to Explore Your Sources Roy Williams Caltech
Start with your sources (currently <1000) Multiple named sky positions Simple text (RA,Dec,ID) Text wizard (NVO table importer, today 17.10) VOTable of positions (local or url) Push positions from NVO portal
Getting Data about your sources
Skyview cutouts in many wavelengths Cen A @ 840 MHz hover mouse to enlarge
Skyview cutouts in many wavelengths Abell clusters in optical and X-ray
Spectra from VO SSAP services Hover mouse on thumbnail to see larger image Spectral Collections from JHU brokered by NRAO: Arecibo Maser Catalog 2dFGRS SDSS DR5
Getting Data about your sources Proximity search
Multicone radius Proximity Search = user-supplied sources + radius returns VOTable radius
VIM tables structure Multiple matches per source Can join to sources (outer or nearest) RA Dec ID sources Cat1 Cat2
Shakbazian galaxy groups prox search in Simbad
Table column metadata NED metadata
Choose which columns to display Compute new columns, eg joint IR-optical colors
Visualization by download & use Topcat
Architecture Vim All the relevant information about your sources -- mashups from the VO -- kept for you in persistent storage -- view, mine, download Registry Inventory NVO portal Catalogs (cone) Images (Skyview) Spectra (SSAP) upload sources browser Vim HTML + AJAX python api personal persistent storage
Auto-script: Clicking builds script Can edit script and rerun
Vim auto-scripting # got some sdss sources from Vizier, a 12 minute radius with rmag<21 # about 773 sources found, open(‘mysources.votable').read()) # run 2mass prox search at 2 arc seconds, survey='2MASS-PSC', sr=0.00055556, tablename='_2mass', verb='1', maxthreads='10') # merge with the sdss, tablename='_2mass', match='best') # select rows with non-null j magnitude (i.e. thos in 2mass) # we get abouyt 148 remaining, tablename='sources', criterion='! NULL__2mass_j_m') # compute 2mass-J - SDSS-r, tablename='sources', colname='JminusR', expression='_2mass_j_m - rmag') # compute 2mass-H - SDSS-z, tablename='sources', colname='Hminusz', expression='_2mass_h_m - zmag') # then download sources.votable from Utility/ViewAllFiles, and plot with topcat
WebServer or Laptop install Scalable VIM Features WebServer or Laptop install Pure python webserver (CherryPy) Scalable Auto-script, edit, rerun paradigm Powered by Stilts (2,000,000,000 rows !) Simple sharing Share your workbench by emailing a URL Can write-protect with password
Content Display VIM Features Any cone search (all 1000’s in VOregistry) Cutouts from Skyview NVO Inventory services Spectra via SSAP (from NRAO) Thumbnails and images and FITS Display Column selection, Row sort/select Images small-hover-large Tools and metadata choice AJAX progress for data fetching …but not Safari :-(
NVO Portal: Using the registry to get catalogs
NVO Portal: Finding catalogs by spatial correlation
NVO Portal: Inventory service my sources (1000’s of catalogs ingested) Catalog A: Perfect correlation Catalog B: Weak correlation my sources Catalog C: No correlation (1000’s of catalogs ingested)