What it does ? Continuously monitors critical industrial machinery providing information concerning wear and tear as well as the early warning of forthcoming machine failures, days or weeks in advance.
Operation principles eGuardian's set of sensors measures relevant parameters, like vibrations, noise, current, voltage, temperature, pressure, flow or other values depending on the application. Data is processed on site, machine state indicators are calculated and the results transferred to the local workstation. Machine state indicators are transferred to the preventive maintenance database server. Data are analyzed by the diagnostic software, machine failures are predicted and warnings are communicated to the appropriate persons and systems. Machine state indicators are archived for future use.
How it’s built ?
APL - Application Command Language Adconv- read samples from single A/D channel avg- compute the average of samples edit- list and edit internal program env- list and edit variable ranges ferase- erase given block of flash memory fft- compute FFT and save results fftstat- get last FFT values from both accelerometers getdata- print data from A/D conversion go- execute the internal program help- display help info- display product info md- display part of system memory mm- modify part of system memory pflash- program the flash memory reboot- restart system rms- compute RMS of data from adconv rotation- get velocity spectrum- spectrum of data status- get current status of all devices temp- get temperature from A/D channel time- display time expired since system start vars- display all variables and their actual values wait- wait specified number of secs (do nothing)
Local user information
Root Mean Square
Roll bearings temperature
Fan’s velocity
Highest peak versus full FFT spectrum
System structure
Detailed Internet system topology
Predictive maintenance database
Message structure
Forecast of life time curve
Optional information. FFT available upon request Can indicate: - Rotor out of balance - Roll bearing worn out
Alarm messages Recipients: Owner’s tech support External tech support Manufacturer Any other person or unit indicated
Highest peak frequency