BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 Publishing FITS files and VOtables in the VO with Saada Laurent MICHEL Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (Fr) Saada:
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 Saada in One Slide Input: FITS files spectrum vectors images Liste dobjets image images spectre spectrum misc plots misc table Handling Heterogeneous Data 1 Querying Heterogeneous Data 4 Output: A SaadaDB spectreplots Data Collection Observations spectre spectrummiscimagetable spectreplots Data Collection Simulations spectrespectrumplotsimagestableimageplotsmisc No code to write Handling Collections 2 Handling Relations 3
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 Demo Steps Building a SAADA database dedicated to M104 –3 FITS spectra (Faint HST and INES) –2 FITS images Galex and Chandra Running the native SSA and SIA UCD use –UCD setup –Query Constraints expressed with UCDs
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 Database creation After having created a PSQL database, the SaadaDB BEIJING is created with spectral coordinates expressed in eV
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 BEIJING SaadaDB setup Creation of the data collection Sombrero
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 BEIJING SaadaDB setup Setup of the product configuration Ines load all FITS spectra found in directory ines RA keyword will be taken as right ascension DEC keyword will be taken as declination OBJECT keyword will be taken as instance name All Spectra will be put into the same class (Ines)
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 Data loading Loading of the product configuration Ines Class (table) can be modified while loading process Data are searched in the FamousGalaxies directory
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 Database browsing The BEIJING SaadaDB can be accessed at after the script tomcatdeploy has been run.
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 BEIJING SaadaDB VOportal The BEIJING SaadaDB includes a native SIAP/CS/SSAP VO portal.
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 UCD setup (not shown) The UCD editor relies on the CDS assignator. Saada supports UCD based queries
BEIJING IVOA Meeting – 14/18 May 2007 UCD based queries (not shown) This is the (beta) SCC portal of the XMM-Newton catalogue. 10 E 6 archival sources extracted from 184 different catalogues Selection of any sources having an heliocentric velocity greater than km/h