The NVO Portal Tom McGlynn, NASA/GSFC Gretchen Greene, ST ScI John Good, IRSA/IPAC Roy Williams, CACR/Caltech Mike Fitzpatrick, NOAO T HE US N ATIONAL.


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Presentation transcript:

The NVO Portal Tom McGlynn, NASA/GSFC Gretchen Greene, ST ScI John Good, IRSA/IPAC Roy Williams, CACR/Caltech Mike Fitzpatrick, NOAO T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY

Purpose Make it easy for astronomers to find useful information in the VO Accommodate many different kinds of searches Web interface with no required downloads Easy linkage between Web and scripting capabilities No VO jargon 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste2

Design Collaborating, distributed, simple elements Standard protocol for transmitting information between elements: List of sources List of resources –All VOTables Elements call each other as appropriate with many starting points. Common templates and vocabulary 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste3

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste4 Table Viewer Registry Inventory Collector Integrator Command Line Command Line Table Translator Table Translator Help More Tools Data Discovery Portal (concept)

Current Portal Home Page 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste5

Portal help 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste6

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste7 Registry

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste8 Registry

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste9 Registry

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste10 Registry SearchMe -> Table Viewer

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste11 Table Viewer: Display …

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste12 TableViewer: … and Filter ASCII File XML File VIM Service Inventory Service

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste13 Table Viewer: … and plot

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste14 Viewer sends table to Inventory. Find resources with data near list of positions

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste15 Inventory Service: View a result

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste16 Build up table with VIM Integrator See Roys talk later today.

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste17 VIM Integrator: Getting lists of images

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste18 DataScope Collector: single source

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste19 Collector: Main page

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste20 Collector: Resource summary

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste21 Collector Aladin

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste22 VOClient: Command Line Search and retrieval

VOClient capabilities VORegistry: search the registry VOSesame: Name resolver VOData: Query resources at a single or multiple positions cat list | vodata -q -V -X -O - -p - -rd 1.4 \ ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/neat 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste23

Table formatter 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste24

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste25

Table Wizard 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste26 See John McQs talk

20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste27

Key elements Common template -> coherent environment Common JavaScript/XSLT VOTable processing –Potentially useful in any Web app that displays VOTables. Standard formats for passing information among elements. VOClient used within inventory, table viewer as well as by users. 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste28

Status and Plans All elements functional Alpha release for comment and testing – and links therein Registry inconsistencies can lead to services not being found. Further work in eliminating jargon and smoothing user experience. Beta release to public soon. Please send comments! 20 May 2008McGlynn: IVOA Meeting-Trieste29