ESSENTIAL QUESTION Where did Christianity start?
JUDEA (modern Israel) Home of Jews- taken by Romans. Jews prayed for MESSIAH: Chosen by God to deliver freedom.
JESUS OF NAZARETH Preached throughout Judea. PARABLES: used stories to teach. REPENT: God forgives is one is sorry for sins. DISCIPLES: Believers in Jesus. CHRIST: Title, meaning Messiah.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did people react to Jesus?
ROMAN JEALOUSY Afraid Jesus would lead a rebellion. PONTIUS PILATE: Roman governor of Judea, ordered Jesus crucified.
JUDAS ISCARIOT Betrayed Jesus to the Romans. LAST SUPPER:
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did Christianity spread?
EASTER Disciples claim Jesus rose from the dead. GOSPELS- followers wrote accounts of Jesus. PAUL- traveled to spread word of Jesus, wrote much of the New Testament.
PETER Follower went to Rome to establish Church. CATHOLIC: first religion to worship Jesus. POPE: leader of Catholics (Peter was first) FISHERMAN’S RING: First worn by Peter, now worn by all Popes.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did Romans react to Christianity?
PERSECUTION Harassed for beliefs. Christians fed to lions. MARTYR: Those who would die for beliefs.
CONSTANTINE Roman emperor who adopted Christianity. Became most popular religion in Europe.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How is the Catholic Church structured?
CHURCH HIERARCHY Pope- lives in Vatican City- Rome Cardinals- elect the Pope Bishop- oversees a geographic area Priests- administer sacraments: Baptism, marriage, communion, confession.