Santrock/Child Development 9e Balanced presentation of Research and Applications Topical Organization Great new Electronic Study Tools
Santrock Child Development, 9e Goals of the Revision: –To Increase Student Friendly Pedagogy –Maintain the Balance of Research and Applications –Provide Students with electronic Study Tools
New Pedagogy Students will Use Full Integration of Cognitive Maps! Begins the chapter, providing a visual road map (Pg. 237) Mini map in margin (Pg. 247) Revisited at end of chapter Fill-in-the-map feature now included in SG and on the OLC site Valuable study tool for students !
Pedagogy Students will Use Refinement of Summary Tables Simplified and reformatted using bullets (Pg. 224) End of chapter legend encourages students to use summary tables for study purposes (Pg. 223) Summary tables referenced in IM Valuable study tool for students !
Pedagogy Students will Use Through the Eyes of Psychologists Appear in margins where appropriate, bringing researchers to life for students (Pg.269) Reviewers LOVED this feature!
Pedagogy You Can Bet On Cross - Linkages Icon that refers students back to the primary discussion of an important concept (Pg. 239) Valuable study tool for students !
Pedagogy Students will Use NEW! Key People End of chapter (Pg. 64) TB and SG now designate key people questions and exercises. NEW! Taking It to the Net exercises written exclusively for Santrock Web Links in Margin with captions for easy use
New! Supplement Integration Guide In Instructors Manual Total Teaching Package Outline
New Technology Tools Making the Grade Student CD ROM 2 Sources of Test Prep On-Line Learning Center (students and instructors) Instructor’s Resource CD ROM Course Management Software
New Technology Tools
Patterson Multimedia Courseware In Child Development Video-Based CDROM Shows classic and contemporary experiments in Child Development Built in a modular format for easy homework assignment Contains background a student needs to master the concepts Contains Quizzes, Projects, Development Charts