Check your child’s agenda or my website regularly to make sure assignments are being completed, and that test preparation is taking place. Check your child’s backpack regularly for organization and materials. Check to make sure your child has assignments completed, and they are in their backpack ready to turn in. Look over spelling and vocabulary assignments for mistakes. Give practice tests before regular Friday spelling and vocabulary tests. Check your child’s grade through Power School regularly to make sure your child is not missing any work. A “0” means they did not turn it in, but it can be turned in with a late pass.
Please avoid changing your child’s writing. Please guide them and give them some ideas and feedback, but all changes should be in their own words. If you change their writing, I will not know your child’s true abilities, and I will not be able to address their weaknesses. Final copies can be typed. They should be 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, and in black ink. Hand written final copies need to be in blue or black ink, skipping lines. Most of our writing will be done in class, but the final copy writing will be done at home.
Grades will be updated about twice per week. If there is a zero, that means the assignment was not turned in. Students were given 3 late passes the first week for the first trimester. Late work will not be accepted without a late pass. If a student is absent, they have two days for each day absent to complete make up work or tests they missed. It is the student’s responsibility to make up tests and complete work due to an absence. Students are to write their assignments in their agenda daily, and homework is also posted on my website as it is assigned.
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Skill Overview: › Think: support answers, ideas, opinions, claims with evidence – “prove it” › Express: effectively communicate thinking orally and in writing › Collaborate: work with others to broaden thinking › Innovate: apply thinking to a new challenge. Developed Through: › Reading – navigate and use informational text; understand elements of fiction › Vocabulary – develop academic language, elevate expressive language, build comprehension of complex text › Writing- build on basic paragraph structure to construct narrative, informational, and argumentative essays using correct grammar and punctuation conventions.
Reading and writing from the Holt Literature book. Grammar from the Holt Handbook, and other sources. Compare/Contrast Essay (Where the Red Fern Grows book and movie) Expository Essay Persuasive Essay Novels – Reading and Analysis › Hatchet, Where the Red Fern Grows, Maroo of the Winter Caves
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