Curriculum and Instruction Chapter 14 Curriculum and Instruction
Subject-Centered Curricula Subject-Area Approach Perennialist and Essentialist Approaches Back-to-Basics Approach Core Approach Core curriculum (block scheduling) approach: progressive New core curriculum (core subjects) approach: essentialist
Student-Centered Curricula Emphasis on student needs Activity-centered approaches Constructivism Relevant curriculum Humanistic approach Alternative or free schools programs Character education (values-centered curriculum)
Key Figures in Curriculum Subject-centered William Harris Robert Hutchins Mortimer Adler Ernest Boyer John Goodlad Theodore Sizer Student-centered Jean Jacques Rousseau John Dewey William Kilpatrick Abraham Maslow Carl Rogers Jonathan Kozol Nel Noddings
Influences on Curriculum Development National policies State standards, curriculum guides, and state-wide testing School district personnel Teachers, parents, administrators, and students College admission standards Textbooks Calls for censorship
Key Instructional Approaches Individualized Instruction Cooperative Learning Mastery Instruction Critical Thinking Computerized Instruction Video and Satellite Systems Distance Education
Emerging Curriculum Trends Lifelong Learning Restoration of Geography National Curriculum Standards International Education Health and Fitness Technology Education Immigrant Education