Results of the HTN Workshop Allan, A. 1, Bischoff, K. 2, Burgdorf, M. 3, Cavanagh, B. 4, Christian, D. 5, Clay, N. 3, Dickens, R. 6, Economou, F. 4, Fadavi, M. 7, Frazer, S. 3, Granzer, T. 8, Grosvenor, S. 9, Hessman, F. 10, Jenness, T. 4, Koratkar, A. 11, Lehner, M. 12, Mottram, C. 3, Naylor, T. 1, Saunders, E. 1, Solomos, N. 13, Steele, I. 3, Tuparev, G. 14, White, R. 15, Yost, S University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom 2 Teleskoptechnik Halfmann, Germany 3 Liverpool JMU, Liverpool, United Kingdom 4 Joint Astronomy Centre, Hilo, Hawaii, U.S.A. 5 Queens University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom 6 Latterfrosken Software Development, Germany 7 Jackson State University, Mississippi, U.S.A 8 Astrophsikalisches Institut Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany 9 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Centre, Maryland, U.S.A. 10 Georg-August-Universitaet, Germany 11 University of Maryland Baltimore County, Maryland, U.S.A. 12 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, U.S.A. 13 Hellenic Naval Academy, Greece 14 Tuparev Technologies, Germany 15 Los Alamos National Laboratories, New Mexico, U.S.A. 16 University of Michigan, Michigan, U.S.A.
1 What is the HTN? The Heterogeneous Telescope Networks Consortium represents a number of major research groups in the field of robotic telescopes. Three primary aims: –Interoperability between robotic telescope networks –Establishment of an e-market for the exchange of telescope time –Interoperability with the Virtual Observatory for event notification See
2 Headline results Agreed on RTML Protocols written and agreed Transport mechanisms agreed Proceedings published in AN in May 2006, Robert White leading the VOEvent paper, comments to him before the 4th of January (submission deadline)
3 Protocols Turns out that the protocol is more important than the transport mechanism I think this has implications for VOEvent as it is a very similar class of problem How are we going to exchange event messages? Event Publisher Client Embedded Agents User Agent
4 Transport Does transport matter? Push or pull? –RSS 2.0 for pull –TCP/IP for push? RFC 1149
5 What did they think of VOEvent? They thought, It was too complex They were worried about, Added latency The work involved to adopt the standard But, They thought the idea of a standard was a good idea
6 What does that mean? These are both publishers and consumers This our target audience… We need to sell it to them But its a sociological problem We need to address their concerns
7 Need to address Complexity Effort Latency