Complete this chart using your map: CountriesRiversSeasOther Bodies of Water Afghanistan Iran Iraq Israel Saudi Arabia Turkey Euphrates R. Jordan R. Tigris R. Arabian Sea Red Sea Suez Canal Persian Gulf Strait of Hormuz
Where is the Middle East?
Where is Afghanistan? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Euphrates River? Here It Is!!!!
Where is Iran? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Jordan River? Here It Is!!!!
Where is Iraq? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Tigris River? Here It Is!!!!
Where is Israel? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Suez Canal? Here It Is!!!! C
Where is Saudi Arabia? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Gaza Strip? Here It Is!!!!
Where is Israel? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Jordan River? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Persian Gulf? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Strait of Hormuz ? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Arabian Sea? Here It Is!!!!
Where is the Red Sea? Here It Is!!!!
Where is Turkey? Here It Is!!!!