Literacy in the Content Area Science Education 7-12 Lyndonville Central School Cover Page
Introductions Kathy Arminio –MAARS Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Kathy Hoppe –Science Support K-12 Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Agenda
What do strategic learners do? Read this paragraph on your own and develop a title for the paragraphparagraph
Why is it important to teach literacy skills in Science classes? Promotes thinking Allows students to discern Improves results on exams Preparation for success in college Helps students become strategic learners
What is a strategic learner? Strategic Learners : self select effective learning strategies and assess their own progress
Types of strategies Pre-Reading During Reading Post Reading Other Categories for Grouping StrategiesOther Categories for Grouping Strategies
Key to helping students read: Teach the literacy strategies If you hand them a template, it simply becomes a worksheet Think about how you want students to think about the content? Help students help themselves –Consider Reading Levels
Pre and During Reading Think Aloud Reading Strategy –Helping students read science textbooksHelping students read science textbooks –LE ExampleLE Example Anticipation Guide –SampleSample Figuring Out What It Means Just For Chem Lab Stop and Spin –Article on OzoneArticle on Ozone Vocabulary Survey Focused Free Write Word Splash –Gallery Walk THEIVES Practice LUNCH
Make and Take Choose one strategy and develop a lesson using an article/text that you will use in your class before we meet again (4/23) Come back on 4/23 with student work to share –One exemplar –One meeting standards –One not meeting standards
Strategic Learners Link to Prior Knowledge Complete this passagepassage Answers with different contextAnswers
During and Post-Reading Play-Doh Strategy Brainstorming –Facts and QuestionsFacts and Questions Concept Mapping –Activity InstructionsActivity Instructions –TemplateTemplate Analogies Know/Don’t Know: That’s the Question Shed Some Light On The Subject Summary Pyramid Brain-Writing Pool Send Off
Make and Take Choose one strategy and develop a lesson using an article/text that you will use in your class before we meet again (4/23) Come back on 4/23 with student work to share –One exemplar –One meeting standards –One not meeting standards