The Middle East Islam, Israel and Oil
Warm Up Israel is the only Jewish country in a region of Muslim countries. How might this impact Israel’s relationship with it’s neighbors in the region? Content Objective: I will analyze how conflict between differing groups has shaped the Middle East by writing a pro/con paragraph examining Israel’s effect on the region
An Islamic Region Islam was founded in the early 7 th century in modern day Saudi Arabia More than 90% of Middle Eastern people are Muslim The Muslim holy lands of Mecca and Medina are located here
The Creation of Israel Jewish people were forced to leave their ancient homeland during the Roman Empire and other times For nearly 2000 years they spread across the world living in different countries
Video of Israel Map Throughout History Think/Ink/Pair/Share As you watch this video write down how you see the area of Israel change over time.this video When the video ends, compare your thoughts with that of you elbow partner Volunteers share their ideas with the class
The Creation of Israel Cont. During the Holocaust of WWII Jews fled Europe and wanted a homeland of their own to feel safe The country of Israel is created in 1948 by the United Nations Israel is created in a Palestinian area
Arab-Israeli Conflicts Israel is a Jewish State in an Islamic region The area where Israel was created was already inhabited by Palestinians This leads to many conflicts Israel fights in 6 wars against its neighbors
Arab-Israeli Wars Reshape Geography Israel wins the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt Israel wins the Golan Heights from Syria Israel wins the West Bank and Gaza strip (not part of any countries before this, but inhabited by Palestinians)
Predict-Pair-Share How do you think the Arab–Israeli Wars impacted future relationships between Israel and its neighbors? Take a minute to think it over Take another minute to share your ideas with your elbow partner Volunteers share out their ideas
A Jewish State in an Islamic Region Israel brought Western style democracy to the Middle East It has been in a constant state of conflict with it neighbors for 60 years Israel has introduced nuclear weapons to the region
Assignment Use information from your notes to complete the pro and con chart on the creation of Israel in the Middle East. What were the positives of creating Israel in the Middle East? (Pros) What were the negatives of creating Israel in the Middle East? (Cons) Once you have completed the pro and con chart use the back to construct a paragraph illustrating the pros and cons. Sentence Starter: The creation of Israel has had both positive and negative impacts on the Middle East.