Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology 2014 Orientation for International Students OCT. 8, 2014 Location: E0703
Library Library Introduction ● Location : Building E 修齊大樓圖書資訊館 ● Library Space : 1F, 7~12F & B1F (Quiet Reading Area) ● Holdings : 1,214,307 volumes/pieces
Library Library Opening Hour …. Floor Monday to Friday SaturdaySunday 1F, 7F ~11F Reading Service Circulation Service 08:20~22:00 09:00~17:00 B1F Quiet Reading Area 08:20~22:00 09:00~17:00 12F Multimedia Area 09:00~21:0010:00~16:00 Library is closed on national, school holidays,Typhoon Day Off. Hours for the winter and summer vacations will be announced on the library website.
BORROWING RULES FOR STUDENTS Graduate: 20 volumes/pieces for 30 days You can renew your books online via your library account. If you are unable to renew: 1.another user may have reserved the material. overdue book in your account. have reached or exceeded renewal limit days.
STUT Library Web Site STUT Library Web Site
Do You Finish to Sign the Statement of Patron's Privileges?
How to Find Books ~ Searching the Library Catalog (1/3) Choose library catalogs
Type in Key Words Then Click “Search” (2/3)
Reserve a Study Carrel (1/4) Carrels can be reserved by STUST teacher and graduate student. Only available during library opening hours. Study Carrel can be loan for just one day or a longer period ( need to hand out study project and approved) Go to the library circulation desk at 1 st floor, fill in request form, give your student ID card to staff, and staff will give you a room card. Misuse of the carrel may result in the loss of carrel privileges. No food or beverage, Food left in your carrel will be removed.
Carrel Policies (2/4) If you leave items checked out to yourself in your carrel, they remain your responsibility until they are checked in. ? You are free to leave items in your carrel, but be aware that the library is not responsible for items that are lost or stolen. Thefts or removal of unattended items do occur. This includes library books checked out to you and any personal belongings such as notebook, textbooks, personal notes, reading lamps, pictures, etc.
Reserve a Group Discussion Room Group Discussion Room can be reserved by STUST teacher. graduate and undergraduate students. Only available during library opening hours. Bookings a Group Discussion Room can be made at least 4 (Small Room ) or 8 people (Large Room). Go to the library circulation desk at 1 st floor, fill in request form, give your student ID card to staff, and staff will give you a room card. No food or no beverage in library.
On(Off) -Campus Access STUT library e-resources integrated searching
The Most Commonly Used Databases for College of Engineering Student IEL Online SDOL(Science Direct Online) Engineering Village - Compendex EBSCO Academic Search Premier ACM Digital Library Digital Dissertations Consortium
How do I... Use Interlibrary Loan? Why use Interlibrary Loan? Whenever materials are not available in our STUST Library, you may try the interlibrary loan service. (Each library’s interlibrary loan fee is different.)
Step: Link “Interlibrary Loan”
Step2 : Click “NDDS System”
Step 3:Request an Account