May 14, 2007TIG, opening plenary Beijing 2007 Theory IG plans Editors: Claudio Gheller, Patrizia Manzato, Laurie Shaw, Herve Wozniak, GL Other participants: Miguel Cervino, Igor Chilingarian, Norman Gray, Jaiwon Kim, Franck Le Petit, Mireille Louys, Ugo Becciani, Sebastien Derriere
May 14, 2007TIG, opening plenary Efforts SNAP (simple numerical access protocol, proposal to DAL) Based on data model (ala SSAP) First analysis model for simulations (spatial+time), for discovery/queryData Have Note on SNAP 0.5 by now, about ready, but still quite some work to do: emphasis on access/manipulation services and promote post-processed data Discussed during workshop Garching April 2007
May 14, 2007TIG, opening plenary
May 14, 2007TIG, opening plenary Status (and discussions this week) Maybe started wrong way around, Started writing SNAP before analysis what we need results: –data model v0.5 ready –relatively complex (not flat at all) hard to fit in simple access protocol –likely also hard to discover using registry (because hard to describe in resource model) –proposals how to proceed
May 14, 2007TIG, opening plenary Discussion items (dm,dal,registry,semantics,adql, gws) acronym SNAP revision? Model: need standard vocabularies for –physics, objects, observables, numerics –what to do about units? (sometimes comoving) how to specify UTYPEs? –use properties, not class names in path discovery: is registry model sufficient? –simulation registry? queryData: will HTTP GET be applicable –adql? –browsing +navigation through model –UTYPE/XPath? getData: is cutout really interesting enough –gridding, projection, visualisation, custom –how to do batch? (dal, gws) –authentication? SNAPRegistry as reference, interoperable(?) implementation –Italians, French will, Germans may create one, US? But, what does community want? –use cases, implementations? –get feedback through national TIG representatives
May 14, 2007TIG, opening plenary Session I: Simulation datamodel Tuesday 8:30, room 5 presentation Simulation data model (GL) –analysis –relation to discovery: SNAP archive –relation to SNAP protocol: SNAP services Discussions on specific aspects of the model (All) –characterisation –relation to Semantics WG, use of ontologies/data dictionaries, controlled vocabularies etc validation of the model (Patrizia Manzato)
May 14, 2007TIG, opening plenary Session II: SNAP protocol Tuesday 14:30, room 1 overview (GL, representing Claudio Gheller) relation to simulaiton data model discovery/querying: Registry and/or DAL and/or ADQL SNAP services –download –cutout –(re)gridding –visualisation –custom
May 14, 2007TIG, opening plenary Session III: AOB Thursday 8:30, plenary room Individual presentations –Nicolas Moreau: A generic interface to simulation codes, the Dalia protoype –Vincenzo Costa: Development of a Web accessible archive of data from cosmological simulations for the ITVO and correlated services in the framework of the PI2S2 project –Franck Le Petit: "How to introduce a code in the VO with Astrogrid" –GL: Experiences with scientific use(rs) of Millennium database