The Medieval Church / Catholicism
Medieval Church Quick Write: Why do you think the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages held so much power?
Medieval Church Reasons for power Political 1) Leaders of the church were also leaders in politics Head of church and state Social 2) It held influence over the people The Church offered a way to get to God – If the people broke its laws, they could face excommunication or going to hell » Kicking one out of the Church Community
Medieval Church Reasons for Power Social 3) Church = outlet for entertainment Ex = festivals for religious holidays Economic 4) Church collected taxes or tithes from the people Tithes paid with $ or goods – Ex: agricultural products
Catholicism # of Followers – Christian believers in the world = 2 billion Catholics make up about ½ of that
Catholicism Major Following Areas Europe – Italy – France – Spain – Poland South America – Brazil North America – Mexico – America ~68 Million followers
Catholicism Main Beliefs Jesus Christ – Believe that he is a divine being Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit These make up the Sign of the Cross 12 Apostles (messengers of the word) -Peter, James, John etc. Disciples -Followers of Jesus Christ
Catholicism Main Beliefs Transubstantiation – The bread and wine passed out at mass turns into the body and blood of Jesus Pope Cardinals Bishops Priests Hierarchy of the Church
Catholicism Main Beliefs Bible – Holy book Worship / Honoring of: – Saints Those who have led particularly holy lives – Mary Mother of Jesus Sacraments – Religious acts in which God’s presence is with those who participate Mother Teresa of CalcuttaMother Teresa of Calcutta
Sacraments Baptism – Basis for all other sacraments – Initiation into the Church – Forgiveness of sin Eucharist – The receiving of Jesus’s body and blood at mass Confirmation – One receives the Holy Spirit Marriage Penance – Formal asking of forgiveness – Done through a priest Anointing of the Sick – A priest gives an ill person his/her final blessings before death Holy Orders – the process of becoming a religious individual such as a priest or bishop
Post Lecture Questions Was your thoughts about the Medieval Church from earlier right? Explain why or why not? Is there anything that you found surprising about Catholicism? Why or not? Is their any similarities between Catholicism and the religions we have learned about previously (Chinese philosophies, Islam etc.?) – What about any differences?