T HE I NTERNATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY ALLIANCE May 14, 2013 Registry Coverage * Status and Necessity Gretchen Greene 1Apps IV/ Registry I Session - IVOA Interop
Reg Standards Minimalist Version for Coverage Where we are: VODataService 1.0 schema includes Coverage: Coverage is abstract, one must use xsi:type to specify a specific sub-type. (Based on STC description space, temporal, and spectral, including resolution ) May 14, 2013Apps IV/ Registry I Session - IVOA Interop
Standards Dependencies RMIdentifiers VOResource 1.0 Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM) VODataService StandardsRegExt Registry Interfaces (RI) RI -2 in progress VOEventRegExt TAPRegExt Recommendation Proposed Rec Working Draft Working Draft (xml only) Note In Development This that depends on SimpleDALRegExt (SCS, SIA, SSA, SLA) ApplicationRegExt?... TCG review May 13, RegTAP
How to Find Coverage - Registry Clients & Content Mining New Registry Interface (RI-2) in progress deprecating SOAP -> RestFul http (Registry Session II) TAP Based Interface (working draft) – e.g. Regions Light weight RESTful model (in development) OAI REST interface standard (RI) for harvesting into Fully Searchable Registries – All Metadata Considering what to do with custom Interfaces Exists as well (VAO VOTable) Mining through DAL service capabilities E.g. Basic DAL Footprints with Region, Spectral column metadata, etc. May 14, 2013Apps IV/ Registry I Session - IVOA Interop4
RegTAP – Coverage a Difficult Area to Tackle New Working Draft Relational Model which derives database constructs from the Registry standard schema (M.Demleitner) Current version of RegTAP removes all references (Currently) to STC coverage RegTAP-STC This specification is complemented by a schema of four tables, also under the rr schema, that gives coverages of resources on the spatial, temporal, spectral and redshift axes. These will be defined in a separate document May 14, 2013Apps IV/ Registry I Session - IVOA Interop5
An Inventory – based on VAO Full Searchable Registry Harvesting ALL Publishing registries, we find inconsistent representations RESOURCES (not necessary DAL services, e.g. organizations) Resources with coverage waveband data HOWEVER, rows contain coverage/footprint endpoints from Vizier (MOC based) gal&-z&8&-s&sqrt&catid=2253 THERE are however 921 resources with STC, 898 non-MOCs May 14, 2013Apps IV/ Registry I Session - IVOA Interop6
Where are we with the Footprint Service Spec??? Address the different Footprint (Region) Type capabilities from the Spatial Coverage endpoints MOC (sky partioning) Toast/HTM (sky partioning) STC/x & STC/s (descriptive metadata) TAP Regions (all of the above managed in DB) DAL Footprint Access Protocol (FAP) Spec => Extend more abstract capability in the Registry for closed form representations and metadata access VODataService Coverage Definition? VOSI DALI mentions STC… as generic interface May 14, 2013Apps IV/ Registry I Session - IVOA Interop7