Coaching Groups and Individuals with Collaborative Meeting Technology Frances G. Lowe, CCPPM Stephanie Katz, MCC, CPEC A Hands-on Interactive Workshop with Learnings from The Newfield Network Collaborative Decisions, Inc Exodus Drive Gaithersburg, MD Phone: Fax:
What is coaching? Some thoughts The art of creating meaning for ourselves, our families, our organizations and our communities. Our service as coaches is to trigger new interpretations in the coachee to provide him/her with a greater power to act and generate personal well being. (The Newfield Network) Coaching begins with trust
What is coaching? More thoughts A way to help others adapt to pressures and changes in their work environments; a way to support new ways of thinking and new business structures; a way to help others express themselves at work in ways that are more powerful and fulfilling.
What is coaching? More thoughts The product of coaching is long-term excellent performance according to the standards of that community of practitioners. Coaching takes place when clients are self- generating, self-correcting and self- sustaining. James Flaherty
Distinctions Teaching Mentoring Facilitating Coaching
The Question Our deepest fear is Not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we Are powerful beyond measure Is it our light, not our darkness That most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be Brilliant, gorgeous, talented And fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? Marianne Williamson
The Art of Ontological Coaching Ontology of language Ontological coaching –In the process of producing –Engaging in a process of change without knowing what is possible –Involves a process of transformation we choose to undergo
Changing the Observer - Learning to learn Competence to learn affects the way we are, who we are, who we have been and who we can become. Impacts our effectiveness, productivity and general well being. What are the enemies of learning?
The Power of Language Generative - Through language we generate possibilities, make events happen, create our identity, coordinate action with others. Most professional ineffectiveness and personal suffering is due to difficulties with acts of speech
Speech Acts Distinctions –Expanding our world of distinctions allows for new possibilities for actions Assertions - just the facts, ma'am Declarations –Assessments –Requests, Promises and Offers
Transparency and Breakdowns Awareness Recognizing and declaring a breakdown Changing the assessments Openings and opportunities for change
Some Areas for Coaching withTechnology... Needs and issues assessments, identifying coaching priorities Ascertain current group norms and practices, culture Develop organization's goals and message statement for transformation.
Some Areas for Coaching withTechnology... Identify the concerns of the organization and the concerns of the individuals Identify real/deep organizational and personal issues. Conflict resolution
Some Areas for Coaching withTechnology degree evaluations followed by coaching –include how well individuals behavior exhibits and models company values Peer support groups while implementing coaching suggestions
Some Areas for Coaching withTechnology... Case studies and/or scenarios – brainstorm ways of coaching the situation Help managers to really know what his/her staff is seeing and feeling
Some Areas for Coaching withTechnology Anonymous way to discover the blocks and breakdowns Airing unspoken concerns & coaching the group to address them
What is the role of Collaborative Technology in coaching? A tool for learning A catalyst for transformation