Interventions and ToO Observations with the Large Binocular Telescope R. Mark Wagner Research & Instrumentation Scientist LBTO/OSU
LBT Project Partners Research Corporation – 12.5% –The Ohio State University –University of Notre Dame –University of Minnesota –University of Virginia Italy – 25% Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) –Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri –Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna –Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma –Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova –Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera –Other Italian Observatories and Universities The Ohio State University – 12.5% Arizona – 25% –The University of Arizona –Arizona State University –Northern Arizona University Germany – 25% LBT Beteiligungsgesellschaft (LBTB) –Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie (Heidelberg) –Landessternwarte (Heidelberg) –Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam –Max-Plank-Institut fur Extraterrestriche Physik (Munich) –Max-Plank-Institut fur Radioastronomie (Bonn)
LBT Enclosure on Mt. Graham
The Large Binocular Telescope Binocular 8.4 m apertures 11.8 m equivalent aperture Baseline of 22.8 m Alt-azimuth mounting Integrated adaptive optics F/15 Gregorian and F/1.1 prime foci Six focal station pairs Rapid telescope reconfiguration
Second Primary Mirror installed in telescope
Scientific First Light Officially announced 26 October 2005 Single (8.4 m) primary with LBC-blue (36 Mpix CCD Mosaic) prime focus camera. 300 s exposure in B filter, composed of ten 30-second exposures. Stacked image quality of ~0.8 FWHM; range from 0.67 to Data obtained on 2005 October 12.
First Light Image – NGC 891
LBC FPA & Full Moon over N891
LBT Instruments Facility instruments –Large Binocular Camera (LBC) –MultiObject Double Spectrograph (MODS) –Near-IR Imager/Spectrograph (LUCIFER) Strategic instruments –LBT Interferometer (LBTI) –Near-IR/Visible Adaptive Camera and Interferometer (LINC/NIRVANA) PI and Visitor instruments –Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument (PEPSI)
LBT Focal Station Allocation
LBT Instrument Parameters InstrumentFocal Station ModesSpectral Coverage (m) Spectral Resolution Field of View Pixel Scale (arcsec/pixel) LBC-Blue LBC-Red PrimeDirect CCDU, B V, R, I ' × 27'0.228 MODS-Blue MODS-Red Direct F/15Imager, Longslit, MOS , ,0006' × 6'0.15 LUCIFERFront-BentImager, Longslit, MOS AO Z, J, H, K J, H, K 5, ,000 ~30,000 4' × 4' 30 × LBTICenter-BentNulling Interf Short Fizeau Long Fizeau 8 – LINC NIRVANA Rear-BentFizeau Interferometer J, H, K' PEPSIRear-Bent Direct F/15 Spectroscopy SpecPol ,000 to 300,
Draft LBT Operations Model LBT will be scheduled in partner blocks of 7-10 nights. Partners will send only experienced observing teams to the LBT. Observing teams will queue observe partners programs. Telescope reconfigurations, including AO, are permitted. Number/night is TBD. LBTO will provide daytime and nighttime technical support, LTO, and IQ Specialist.
Interventions and ToO with the LBT No policy currently in place. Discussed by Science Advisory Committee (SAC) in May Some partners may be interested in receiving notifications and acting on them. Consortium-wide agreements may be difficult to achieve. Models from similar partnerships may be helpful in formulating a LBTO policy.
Milestones for 2006 Aluminize DX primary. Retrofit SX cell and deploy DX cell with upgraded actuators, servo-electronics, and ventilation. Achieve Second Light. Commission LBC blue and red channels. Commission binocular operation (along with telescope operations sub-systems). Operational readiness review for seeing-limited imaging performance of the telescope. (Stretch goal:) Science Definition Time for LBC.
Plan for 2007 Delivery of 1st AO system in late Commissioning at SX straight-through Gregorian with NIR test camera. Installation and commissioning of MODS1. Commissioning of SX bent Gregorian with NIR test camera, initial AO testing on sky. Installation and commissioning of LUCIFER1 in seeing-limited mode. Installation and commissioning of PEPSI in single-fiber mode. Test and lab acceptance of AO system 2 in Arcetri, ship to mountain and install on DX. Continuing science with LBC red and blue.
Plan for 2008 AO commissioning with test camera on DX and LUCIFER1 on SX. Initial installation of LBTI. Initial installation of LINC-NIRVANA. Acceptance and installation of MODS2. Acceptance and installation of LUCIFER2. Continuing science with LBC, MODS1, LUCIFER1.