Mickey Mouse does not live on Main Street USA
Personal Shared Systemic
Personal Management Shared Release Systemic Determination
personal management PERSONAL MANAGEMENT of one’s gifting is the foundation of deployment of the gift.
personal management Responsible Wholeness Accept Activate
personal management Choose to become personally RESPONSIBLE for the deployment of your gifting.
personal management Your own spiritual, physical and emotional WHOLENESS becomes the packaging of your gift.
personal management Unless you ACCEPT your gifting you will always desire another person’s gift.
personal management Giving your gift away requires you to ACTIVATE the gift.
shared release Personnel directors in the Kingdom of God (Leadership) will enhance the personal management of an individuals gift when SHARED RELEASE of the gift occurs.
shared release “Whenever you invest in developing people, your own workload decreases.” Bob Logan (Coaching 101)
shared release Equip Empower Release Maximize
shared release Gift mobilization within a congregational setting requires the leadership to EQUIP the people.
shared release Congregations who discover their gifts together EMPOWER one another.
shared release Leaders who value body ministry will RELEASE ministry to the body.
shared release Team building with a gift perspective will MAXIMIZE the potential of the team.
systemic determination Pastors, leaders, congregations and ultimately a lost harvest will benefit from SYSTEMIC DETERMINATION.
systemic determination Information Communication Connection
systemic determination Gather INFORMATION about ministry opportunities available in your church.
systemic determination Invite people to use their gifts with creative COMMUNICATION of ministry opportunities.
systemic determination Create a Coaching Movement for Gift Mobilization to make a personal CONNECTION with the individual, their gift, the leadership and the ministry needs.
coaching basics Creating a Coaching Movement for Gift Mobilization requires a BASIC understanding of coaching.
coaching basics “To coach someone is to make a lasting investment in the life of another person and in the kingdom of God.” Bob Logan (Coaching 101)
coaching Giving Advice Being an Expert
coaching basics Gift Mobilization coaching is a hands-on PERSONAL process of encouraging others to succeed in their ministry and clarifying that their motivational gift works in that ministry.
coaching basics Gift Mobilization Coaches EMBRACE certain distinct values that will enhance the persons gifting.
coaching basics Gift Mobilization Coaches DEMONSTRATE certain distinct behaviors that are basic to the coaching concept.
coaching basics Gift Mobilization Coaching ENCOURAGES individual development and growth in the persons motivational gift.
coaching basics Gift Mobilization Coaching INCLUDES ministry, personal and motivational gifts development.
coaching basics Creating a Coaching Movement for Gift Mobilization will be most effective when the leadership and coaches … UNDERSTAND Biblical Gifts ADOPT a Coaching Process COMMIT to Skill Development
coaching basics UNDERSTANDING Biblical Gifts is the foundational building block for creating a Coaching Movement for Gift Mobilization.
coaching basics ADOPTING a systematic process is the framework to building a successful Coaching Movement for Gift Mobilization.
coaching basics COMMITMENT to basic coaching skills and a passion for releasing others to their God-given purposes is the finishing work to a well developed Coaching Movement for Gift Mobilization.
systemic determination Systems of deployment expand the Kingdom by deploying gifted men, women, young people and children to the field of ministry.
Unlocking the Gifts is fully accomplished when you move beyond Understanding and beyond Discovery to Deploy your gift.