The Quest to Become a Better RiderCoach By Michael Gentile You don’t have to be sick to get better
Presentation Overview Classroom Coaching Tools Level 2 Classroom: Personal Riding Strategy Range Coaching Tools Importance of Ex. #1 Motorcycle Familiarization
Classroom Coaching Tools Unit / Section Setup Training Aids a. Illustrations b. Videos
RiderCoach Guide pg. 28 States: "Classroom segments are generally divided into three steps: These are to 1) setup a lesson by stating the objective and making content meaningful; 2) generate learner-centered activities using small groups; study questions and appropriate creative activities; and 3) reinforce principles and content with the use of training aids." Training Aids in the Classroom
Why is setting up the unit / section important? Sets-up students expectations Preview of what's to come Defines objective for the unit If done correctly, it peaks curiosity Unit/Section Setup
Why is making the content meaningful so important? Keeps the students engaged in learning Accelerates the learning process Learners are constantly searching for connections with their own experiences Increases the students ability to retain the information for longer periods of time Unit/Section Setup
Unit II - Introduction to Motorcycling “This section is called "Introduction to Motorcycling." In this section we will learn the difference between cars and motorcycles and how these differences increase your risk as a future rider. Unfortunately, your mother was correct when she told you that motorcycles are dangerous. However, a good motorcyclist rides with a strategy. This strategy will be introduced later in this section. Lets get started by answering a few questions." Unit/Section Setup - Example
Unit/Section Setup - Helpful Hints Consult RiderCoach Guide - Key Learning Points for relevant information about unit /section Make content meaningful by relating unit / section Key Learning Points to a the real world Try to make it personal Be brief, only touch on key concepts. Let the questions bring out the details.
Why is it helpful to point out the illustrations in the Rider Handbook? Visual Tools Used to Reinforce Unit Content A Picture is worth a thousand words Opportunity to engage Students in a different way Can be used to cover Knowledge Test Questions that are not covered in the study questions BRC Classroom training Aid: The Illustration
Illustrations Continued How should we use the Illustrations? Mention the relevant illustration in a timely manner Have students describe what they see Ask learner-centered questions about the illustration. Make illustration Relevant Don't miss an easy opportunity to reinforce a concept
Illustration - Example Direct Riders to look at the illustration on page 23 ”Can someone describe what they see?” ”What is the best way to achieve maximum braking?” "How can we better prepare ourselves?"
Why use a “Hook?” Keeps Students Engaged Reinforces Key Concepts Provides opportunity to Visual learners BRC Classroom Training Aid - Video
Video Training Aid - Hook example "We are going to watch a video called Visibility and RiderRadar, in this video there is a great explanation of how to determine your minimum following distance while your in traffic. After the video, I would like you all to tell me what you think it means to SEE and be Seen?"
Level Two Classroom Goals Street Strategies Provide students with Mental tools Be able to identify Risk Development of a Personnel Riding Strategy Identify Common Collision traps Who makes these decisions? When are these decisions made?
Eyes and Mind Vs. Hands and Feet
On the Range Increased Riding Skills Proper Techniques Increased Confidence May lead to more Risks
Level Two Classroom Street Strategies Identify and Manage Risk Assume Personal Responsibility Apply S.E.E. Strategy Create Time and Space Reduce Speed Proper Lane Positioning Maximize Margin of Safety
“MSF RETS: A system Designed to Succeed” T. Buche, Dr. R. Ochs & DR. S. Williams
Level Two Classroom Goals Street Strategies Develop a GOOD Riding Strategy in the Classroom to Reduce Risk on the Road Motivate Students to Make Sound Decisions Motivate Students to continue with Rider Training
Range Coaching Tools Simulated Practice Debriefings RiderCoach Training Tools
Motor skills are best developed when taught in a whole- to-part manner. It's best to learn the whole skills first, later to refine that skill with practice and coaching. Gross motor skills (those utilizing major muscles use) should be practiced before fine motor skills are developed. Novices learn best if first given a gross motor skill outline instead of details of movement. Motor Skill Principals (pg. 33 Rider Coach Guide)
Motor Skill Principals Continued Coaching Traps to Avoid Too much information, or over-coaching, can inhibit the development of motor skills Extensive preliminary verbal instruction inhibits motor skill learning. Technical verbal instruction before actual practice usually does not improve motor skill development.
Simulated Practice Continued Used to introduce the Gross Motor skill required for a particular exercise Verbiage should be short and concise See CONREP simulated practice guide for suggested simulated practice
In ALL Cases: Conducted with the motorcycles off Students feet should be on the ground Both RiderCoaches should observe and Coach Simulated Practice Continued
Simulated Practice Examples Taken from CONREP Simulated Practice Guide 3/06 Exercise 4. - Shifting and Stopping Focused Muscle Memory: Coordination of Hand and Foot Provide Simulated Practice of: Shifting Suggested Verbiage: Stress SQUEEZE CLUTCH ~ SHIFT minimize shift
Simulated Practice Examples Taken from CONREP Simulated Practice Guide 3/06 Exercise 9. - Stopping Quickly Focused Muscle Memory: Coordinating Movement of Hands and Feet Provide Simulated Practice of: Stop Procedure Suggested Verbiage: Reach - Squeeze (Progressive right-hand squeeze) Optional Stress SQUEEZE BOTH HANDS, PRESS BOTH FEET
"Debriefing: at the end of each exercise, a RiderCoach should ask learner-centered questions to ensure that riders understand the significance of the skills practiced and learned." (RiderCoach Guide pg. 49a & Range Cards) Range Coaching Tool - De(BRIEF)ing
Used to reinforce the objective of the exercise Ask learner-centered questions Direct conversation to stay on topic Let the students share their experience with the group. Not your (instructor) experiences Let the students discover what you already know Be Brief Range Coaching Tool - De(BRIEF)ing
Debriefing Examples What did you learn about ______? Braking, Turning, Balance, Friction Zone ….. What helped you accomplish _____?Braking, Turning, Balance, Friction Zone ….. Did anyone share that experience?
Importance of Motorcycle Familiarization Start Good Habits Set expectations early Be Consistent
Informally Starts when students arrive Get the students involved as they arrive Let them walk around the Motorcycles Observe the Differences in Motorcycle Styles allow students to mount - provided all their gear is on. Allow exploration 6:1
Getting the Most From Ex. #1 Why is Exercise #1 so important? Sets the tone for the remaining range exercises If used correctly, it puts the novice riders at ease Demonstrates the Building Block approach Gives RiderCoaches the ability to correct bad riding habits while the motorcycles are stationary
Getting the Most From Ex. #1 Objectives (RiderCoach Guide pg. 51 & Range Cards) To identify location and operation of important controls and parts Use controls smoothly Use side stand fully Squeeze front brake when mounting and dismounting Use good posture Use FINE-C and proper shutdown procedures
Techniques to Emphasize Riding Posture Assume Proper Riding Posture Wrist Down Position Head and Eyes up Cover the Clutch Do NOT Cover the Brake Not only for this exercise but for remainder of Class Then you can use it prior to each Simulated Practice
Techniques to Emphasize Use Controls Smoothly – Front Brake Static use is difficult to coach Reinforce brake usage while students are pushing their motorcycles to the start position of exercise 2. Repeat as needed to ensure that riders do not GRAB the front brake lever. Most novice riders are surprised the first time the apply the front brake
Conclusion There are many ways to Present the BRC: Stimulate Interactive Relevant Discovery Keep Students involved
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