Conflict and Coaching Presented by Denise Reens Written by Joanne Alexopoulos and Susan Tinnish
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. About Conflict…. Normal Unavoidable Occurs naturally Behavior causes conflict, not personalities
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Scenario I Brittany & Sarah
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Roots of Conflict Values Agendas and Priorities Work Styles Personalities Miscommunication
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Scenario II Carolyn & Ann
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Personality Types Silent Monopolizer Intimidator Nice Guy Unhappy Camper
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Scenario III The Chapter Executive Council
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Conflict Indicators Verbal and Nonverbal Body Language Facial Expression Open disagreements Strong Public Statements Lack of Respect
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Scenario IV Campus Committee
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Ugly Conflict Disagreements escalate Language or behavior creates conflict Rarely about issues Creates negative emotions Divides teams
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Productive Conflict Acknowledges diverse views Healthy exchange of ideas Dialog leads to solutions Promotes personal growth Solves problems effectively
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Avoid Both parties lose Withdraw or side step issues Interferes with problem solving Use only as short term strategy Conflict Styles
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Accommodate I lose – you win Personal needs are set aside Use when relationship is important or the conflict is not important Shows cooperation Conflict Styles
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Conflict Styles I win – you lose Outcome should be more important than the relationship Used when an immediate decision is required The end should justify the means Compete
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Collaborate Both parties win Requires a trusting relationship Open & honest communication Relationship is unaffected or improved Conflict Styles
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Scenario V Alpha Phi vs. Student Union
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Resolving Conflict Raise the issue Discover underlying interests Invent options for mutual gain Develop agreements
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Scenario VI The New Chapter Adviser
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Effective Listening Developed skill Takes time and practice Is an active, not passive activity
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Active Listening Maintain eye contact Ask open ended questions Watch body language/vocal tone Restate
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Diffusing Anger Deal with issues immediately Listen to the other person Use active listening skills Remain calm Focus on the problem Separate feelings from issues
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Scenario VII Jean & Patricia
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Stimulate Productive Conflict Develop action plan Understand conflict styles Identify the problem
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Problem Solving Steps Identify problem Brainstorm solutions Evaluate options Chose a solution Take action
About Denise Reens … Denise is Director of Training and Development at the Alpha Phi Executive Office (EO.) Denise is a former teacher and entrepreneur and served in a variety of volunteer roles before coming a full-time staff member. Epsilon Delta/ Northern Illinois University
About Joanne Alexopoulos … Joanne’s experience and interests are highly diverse. She has designed and delivered professional skill and team development workshops, for young people and adults, for over 10 years. As an Alpha Phi volunteer, Joanne has served as an advisory board member and regional team member. In her professional life, Joanne develops programs and partnerships for girls and women for the Girl Guides of Canada national office and works part-time helping her clients reach their fitness and weight loss goals as a personal fitness expert. Xi/University of Toronto
About Susan Tinnish … Susan, is a Principal Partner at SEAL Inc., a consulting firm. She contributed program content and role-play scenarios for Conflict and Coaching. Sue has worked on the Central Midwest Regional team and is a founder and past president of the Northwest Suburban Alumnae Group in the Chicagoland area. Beta/Northwestern University
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Conflict and Coaching was made possible by gifts to the Alpha Phi Foundation Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. “Conflict and Coaching.” All rights reserved. Reserved for the exclusive use of Alpha Phi International, Inc., members. No part of this presentation shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of Alpha Phi International, Inc.