“Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision” (Muhammad Ali)
Traits of the Elite performer The Warrior within Basic Instincts Basics at pace Ruthlessly Simple Presence – Belief in action Original A point of difference
Coaching What is it ? It’s alive It’s organic It’s unpredictable It’s non linear Solution based
What do we want Creativity or Conformity Skill or Efficiency Flair or Reliability Instinctive or Safe Freedom or Structure Simple or Complex Spontaneous or Planned
Coaching Audit Are you : Fundamentally Outside to in or Inside to out Do as I did or Find your way Technique or Method Forward or Backward Action or Intention
Coaching v Managing Coaching / Leading / Educating Teaching / Managing / Training Inductive Tentative Dynamic Understanding Ideas Broad Deep Experiential Active Questions Process Strategy Deductive Firm Static Memorizing Facts Narrow Surface Rote Passive Answers Content Tactics
Coaching v Managing Coaching / Leading / Educating Teaching / Managing / Training Exploration Discovery Active Initiative Whole brain Life Long term Change Content Flexible Open Prediction Dogma Reactive Direction Left brain Job Short term Stability Form Rigid Closed
Sat Nav Coaching Gets you to your destination It’s quick and efficient It has an annoying voice If you put in the wrong destination at the beginning then you end up somewhere you don’t want to be If you end up where you don’t want to be and you don’t know how you got there, then it’s difficult to find the way out Because someone else took you there it’s not your fault
Coaching “Coaching is not a “how to manual”; it is not about following a set of rules or directions; it’s all about people. And people demand to be treated with great respect. Each is an individual, each has their own world and tries to have that in harmony with everything and everybody else around them. They are constantly subject to the uncertainties and vagaries of life which effect their decisions, emotions and needs. The role of the Coach is to listen to this diversity and interpret all the signals in order to produce the best possible outcome for the person being coached” (John Buchanan)
Coaching Create the right environment The goal is to build confidence The application of what you know, rather than the fountain of all knowledge. Coach the intention rather than the action or start with the “end in mind” The principle of drawing excellence out rather than trying to put it in.
Coaching The use of context to develop basics and understanding. To have energy and enthusiasm and support the learning process To allow the necessary time frame for learning To develop basics at pace To provide challenging pieces of music
Environment Positive + Challenge (Negative + Complacency) Support + Team (Individual + Survival) Enthusiasm + Giving (Apathy + Taking) Belief + Enjoyment (Doubt + Frustration) Facts + Honesty (Myth + Bullshit)
Belief and Confidence “Winners confirm probability Losers Chase possibility” True belief comes from performance accomplishment The fuel in your engine Build it Protect it Belief is the enemy of Doubt Performance = Potential - interference
Context Change the pace Change the angle Change the amount of lateral movement Physically challenge Change the consequence Change the time frame Change the target
Energy Where does it come from? Energy is created rather than saved Imagination is crucial in helping to create focus and energy Giver, Taker or Neutral “ What you give out will be returned and multiplied, so watch what you give out ” Winning teams and players give energy don ’ t take it.
Basics at pace Basics are the foundations of all sport They allow the natural order of movement to flow Elite sport is basics done at pace Relax – Relax – Relax Elite sports people already have them they just need to be let out Balance Alignment Rhythm
Perspective Imagine you were me how would you feel – possibly sympathy, worried Imagine you had coached me ready for today how would you feel – possibly supportive Imagine you were my examiner marking how well I did – possibly critical
Wearing your players shoes As a coach we wear different hats We support, sympathise and criticise Write a players name a the top of the paper and think about him. Stay open minded Wear his shoes See his strengths See the player he could be not who he is now How can you help him discover his way
Preparation “Before I get in the ring, I’ve already won or lost it out on the road. The real part is won or lost somewhere away from witnesses behind the lines, in the gym and out on the road long before dance under the lights” (Muhammad Ali) Improve Basics Build Confidence Increase skill Raise tactical awareness Pressure Test
Performance Goal to crush the opposition – still legal Top flight sport played closer to nature – can you tap into your basic instincts Be prepared to work for the win – poking Clarity leads – Ruthlessly Simple RelaxRelaxRelax
Conclusion Its not about us It’s not about the model It’s not about what it should be, it’s about what it is It is about the player It is about them being unique It is about the model fitting the player, rather than the player having to fit the model