Tawhid Boys School We are an independent secondary boys school based in Hackney with an Outstanding STAR accreditation for the last 5 years. We have a track record for delivering a wide range of initiatives to promote sustainable modes of transport. Our objective is to promote cycling within our school as well as the borough.
The story so far
What we want to do Our plan is to create an amazing event to promote cycling called ‘On Your Byk’ We want to increase pupils riding to school Reduce the number pupils coming to school by car
Our outcomes Our target audience are Year 7,8 and 9 We aim to promote cycling by doing the following things: Increase cycling by 5% Reduce pupil travelling by car by 10% Deliver on road cycle training Deliver a Cycle maintenance Workshops Educate and encourage pupils to cycle regularly. Make everyone aware of the benefits of cycling Inform everyone on how to stay safe when cycling.
Our plans for ‘ On Your Byk ’ event The event will be held in a local park because we require a large space for the activities and therefore we cannot facilitate it in our school playground. We are going to contact the local parks department to seek permission and approval for our Event We aim to run the following activities: A number of BMX sessions A workshop on cycling safely Dr Bike to do minor repairs on pupil’s bikes. A workshop on cycle maintenance. An obstacle course and have bike races with prizes for the winner Pupils to complete Riddles and puzzles before starting the obstacle course. Have fruits and healthy snacks for the Event for everyone to enjoy
Promoting ‘On Your Byk’ Event Our event is going to be a free, open to all event. However our target audience is going to be Year 7,8 and 9 We will print posters and flyers to promote the event. We will be including everything about our event in our school newsletter. We will send out s and texts to the parents informing them about our event. We will upload everything from the event on our website
What we want to do We are going to need funds to run the event successfully and for this we need your HELP!!!. For the bike maintenance, cycle training and cycle safety workshops we have spoken to Dr Bike and they agreed to help us out. Below is a breakdown of our costs: Refreshments: Fruits £50 Drinks - £20 BMX show- 150 Bike maintenance /repairs- £36 Prizes £100 Other snacks - £30 Total: £386 We will also be approaching local businesses including the local bike shops for sponsorships and donations.
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