League of Executive Assistants of the Philippines, Inc. (LEAP) invites you to a journey to becoming a phenomenal Administrative Professional. Geared for a Quantum LEAP: Leading with Excellence! VENUE: New World Makati Hotel (Glasshouse) May 9 – 10, 2013 (8:00am to 5:00pm) “A LEAP from Good to Great: Exceeding Expectations”
New World Makati Hotel, Glasshouse Thursday & Friday, May 9 & 10, 2013 Geared for a Quantum LEAP: Leading with Exellence! A LEAP from Good to Great: Exceeding Expectations! Program Outline: Attire: Smart Casual PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: Understand the challenges your Executive face and how to help him function effectively as a leader. Discover how to prepare for and embrace the forces of change. Identify ways to get yourself and your workspace organized and get a jump on the next crisis. Identify leadership profile and explore ways to use this knowledge to improve your success as a phenomenal Administrative Professional. Enhance the ability to communicate with others in meetings and through presentations. Develop the coaching skills that every Administrative Professional should have. Demonstrate the behaviors and practices of an effective coach. Identify employee problems and ways your boss can help to rectify them. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This seminar is for Executive Secretaries, Administrative Professionals and Administrative Support Staff who want to develop their management skills in order to excel in their career and be more effective in their organization. In this 2-day seminar, Administrative Professionals can learn and enhance their organizational, negotiation and top communication skills. Become creative, innovative, collaborative, and adaptable to change. Bring your challenges, exchange ideas, have fun in role-playing and come out of the seminar empowered and ready to change from good to a phenomenal Administrative Professional. Day 1 The Core of an Effective Administrative Professional Lead and Build Personal Mastery and the Five Learning Disciplines The Administrative Professional Becoming Management Material Day 2 The importance of coaching skills for Administrative Professionals Align coaching strategies with the Vision and Mission of the company Assess present problem-solving skills Communicate effectively with the subordinates of your Boss Giving feedback with courage and respect Create an empowered organization
Geared for a Quantum LEAP: Leading with Excellence! REGISTRATION DETAILS Seminar Fee: Php 9, (net payment) Inclusive of AM & PM snacks, lunch, IDs, handouts and certificates 5% discount on seminar fee from the total billing will be extended to companies which will send more than 3 participants. 10% discount will be extended to LEAP members. Please make check payable to “LEAGUE OF EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC.’ or ‘LEAP, INC.”. Payments should be received on or before April 15, Kindly select one of the following payment methods: [ ] By cheque - Please send payment to League of Executive Assistants of the Philippines, Inc. Office Address: (beside ALI- OP Office), 31/F, Tower One and Exchange Plaza, Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue, Makati City. Look for Bebeth Enriquez. [ ] By bank deposit - Kindly remit payment to the following bank details: Account name: League of Executive Assistants of the Philippines, Inc. Account no : BPI CA# , Ayala Triangle Branch Please fax copy of deposit slip with your name to Reservations will be on a first-come, first-served basis. No cancellation will be allowed after April 15, However, substitute participants from the same company will be accepted. For payment inquiries please contact: Bebeth Enriquez (+632) / Tess Francisco-Floedl (+632) For seminar details please contact: Emely Constantino ( ; ) / Lucy Torres ( ; ) / Lara Yniguez ( ; ) A LEAP from Good to Great: Exceeding Expectations! New World Makati Hotel, Glasshouse Thursday & Friday, May 9 & 10, 2013
Geared for a Quantum LEAP: Leading with Excellence REGISTRATION FORM Please use additional sheet, if necessary This registration form, when completed, may also serve as your billing invoice All seminar fees must be prepaid Please fax registration form to fax nos. (+632) / (+632) / (+632) or at New World Makati Hotel, Glasshouse Thursday & Friday, May 9 & 10, 2013 A LEAP from Good to Great: Exceeding Expectations