HISTORY of TEAM HANDBALL Team Handball originated in Europe in the 1900’s, and recognizes over 140 countries as members for the International Handball Federation. It started as a field game and had 11 players on a team. Later due to severe winters, the game was modified to become an indoor sport.
The game combines basic skills of running, jumping, HISTORY CONT….. The game combines basic skills of running, jumping, catching, and throwing, goal tending and strategies into a continuous, fast moving sport which makes it a good activity for cardiovascular fitness. The game combines skills from soccer, basketball, and hockey.
BASIC RULES The objective of the game is to score a goal by passing the ball quickly and throwing the ball past the defense and goalie and into the goal. Each successful goal is worth 1 point. A regulation game is played on a floor that is slightly larger than a basketball court. Teams consist of 7 players (6 court players and one goalkeeper): Left wing, circle runner, right wing, left backcourt, center, right backcourt.
Game Play The game starts with a throw off, where a player stands with one foot on the center line and throws the ball to a teammate behind the line. Players can not hold the ball without moving for three seconds. Players may take three steps with the ball, one dribble and three more steps , then you must pass or shot the ball. Players may use any part of their bodies to except their lower legs and feet to stop, hit, catch or throw the ball.
FOULS and PENALTIES A Free throw is awarded for playing any ball illegally. A player takes the free throw on the spot of the fouls. A penalty throw is awarded for illegal interference by a defender that prevents a shot at goal. The offensive player takes the penalty throw from the penalty line.
FOULS and PENALTIES Defenders may not take, strike, or grab the ball out of the offensive players hands. The defense may guard and defend the offensive player, but no contact is allowed. NO ONE IS ALLOWED IN THE GOALIE AREA EXCEPT THE GOALIE!!!!!
An infraction results in a free throw taken at the point of the infraction
Throw ins IF the ball goes out of bounds over the sidelines, the team that did not touch the ball last is allowed a throw in from that spot. If a defender touched the ball last the attacking team gets a corner throw If a ball that was last touched by an offensive player or the defending goalkeeper goes over the back line, the goalkeeper is awarded a goal throw out to a teammate
GOALIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO: ARE ALLOWED TO: 1. Defend the goal using hands, feet and body. 2. Move outside the goal area and throw for a goal, but must abide by the same rules as court players. 3. Take more than 3 steps when carrying the ball 4. Hold the ball longer than 3 seconds. 1. Leave the goal area while in possession of the ball 2. Pick up a ball outside the goal area.
Goal Area Rules: 1. Only the goalie is allowed inside the goal area and there must be a goalkeeper at all times. 2. Players may jump into the goal area if they release the ball before landing in the area. 3. A ball in the goal area belongs to the goalie.