1 GK Power/Finesse Set up is a goalkeeper protecting a full size goal, a coach with a supply of balls on the goal line, and a line of shooters behind a cone about 35 yards from goal. As the first player in line moves forward, the coach serves a ball on the ground for a long one time shot. Immediately after the shot the shooter continues to move forward and the coach serves a second ball inside the 18 yard box for a second shot. If the shooter scores on either shot he continues to be a shooter and after retrieving his ball from the goal (and returning it to the coach), he returns to the end of the line. If the shooter misses both shots he is out of the contest and moves to behind the goal to retrieve missed shots. The shooter who scores every time is the winner. Alternate: Replace goalie with corner flags dividing the goal mouth into three areas. The power shot is a goal if it enters anywhere into the goal but the finesse shot is only a goal if it enters the goal between the flags and the goal post. Alternate: In order to stress the techniques of striking the ball the power shot must be an instep kick and the finesse shot must be a push pass (inside of the foot). GK Gonzo Goalie Two attackers step to the head of their lines (at the 18 yard line). The goalie starts by throwing or kicking the ball out to one of the attackers. From the moment the first attacker makes contact the attacking team has 5 seconds to shoot. The coach counts 5 seconds. The attacker with the ball may pass or shoot. Var. increase required number of passes and time. 1 point for a goal, 1 point for a save or miss. Goalie Games
2 Goalie in the Middle GK 2 v 2 Shooting with Coaches Serving This is a 2 v 2 + GK’s game with the coaches serving balls from the side. The 4 field players play for 1 minute and either team may score at either goal. The object is to shoot quick and often taking half chances and only passing and dribbling when necessary. After 1 minute a new set of players begin. Coaches should serve a variety of balls into the play area including low, high, to the players and to space. GK’s focus on making the save and throw to the side any shot that they hold and leave any ball in the goal. Extra players retrieve loose balls and return them to the coaches for continuous play. Goalie Games
3 Four goals are set up by cones or flags five yards out from each corner. Three players in possession combine to score in any of the four goals. They can only score through the front of the goal, however, they may dribble or pass through goal and still maintain possession. The Shrinking Goal Four cone goals are set up with the largest in the Front and each goal getting smaller behind goal #1. A shooter shoots a dead ball from a designated Distance to score on goal #1 which has a keeper. If the shooter does not score then he goes to the Back of the shooters line and a new shooter comes Out to shoot. If the shooter scores then he moves Forward to shoot from the goal line of goal #1 to Score on goal #2. A different keeper protects goal #2. Shooters get one point per goal and goalies get one Point per miss or save. This can be done with two equal teams taking turns Being goalies and shooters or it can be done with 2-3 goalies Goalie Games
4 GK Coach Service to GK into a 2 vs. 2 The coach (or a player) serves the ball to the GK. The GK initiates a counter attack with a thrown ball, then it is a 2 vs. 2 to the opposite goal. The game is competitive and a new service is initiated after each goal or ball out of play. Field players should work to receive the ball while moving toward the opposite goal. Four attackers form a semi-circle near the penalty spot, leaving a central channel clear for the fifth attacker to shoot on the run from outside the penalty area towards the center of the goal. - The goalkeeper must save and clear the ball out of the penalty area but never catch it while the four attackers pressure him from all possible angles looking to take the rebound. Once the striker misses the goal with his shot from just outside the box, he has to swap with one of the other four teammates until all five have had their turn. - The goalkeeper wins a point every time he clears the ball first-time beyond the penalty area (not including the end line) while the attackers earn a point for each goal they score from a first or second rebound. - The game ends when all 5 players have had their turn to shoot. Rebound Game – Goalie vs. Five Goalie Wars The goals are placed about 20 yards apart facing each other. Each goalie in turn tries to score on the other goalie with a throw or a kick. The first goalie to score five goals wins.