Sudbury Youth Soccer Association Player Development Tracks Meeting Spring 2011
HS Program BAYS U13 and U14 BAYSAcademy Squad U11 and U12 BAYSAcademy Squad U9 and U10 IntramuralBAYS U6, U7, U8 Intramural Sudbury Youth Soccer Association
HS Program BAYS U13 and U14 BAYSAcademy Squad U11 and U12 BAYSAcademy Squad U9 and U10 IntramuralBAYS U6, U7, U8 Intramural Sudbury Youth Soccer Association
U8 Development Band Ball Mastery – Comfort with the ball, touches and turns Technical Tools – Basic skills; dribbling, passing and receiving ball, and striking the ball
U9 –U10 Development Band Game Play – Tactical play, penetration, width and support Ball Mastery – Comfort with the ball, touches and turns Technical Tools – Basic skills; dribbling, passing and receiving ball, and striking the ball
U11 –U12 Development Band Speed of Play – Decision making, overloads and different scenarios Game Play – Tactical play, penetration, width, and support Ball Mastery – Comfort with the ball, touches and turns Technical Tools – Basic skills; dribbling, passing and receiving ball, and striking the ball
U13 –U14 Development Band Speed of Play – Decision making, overloads and different scenarios Game Play – Tactical play, penetration, width, and support Ball Mastery – Comfort with the ball, touches and turns Technical Tools – Basic skills; dribbling, passing and receiving ball, and striking the ball
What is common in Intramurals & BAYS 10 Week Program All games at 6v6 including a goalie Minimum two (IM) vs three (BAYS) soccer activities per week Skills Academy Receive coaching from NE Revolution Academy coaches each week Develop individual skills Coaching Requirements Encouraged to complete MYSA coaching classes Preference for G and F level coaches Development Track - Group Practice Led by volunteer coaches w/ assistance from NE Revolution Academy coach Shared development program
What is unique to U9, U10 Intramurals? In town program All practices and games in Sudbury Play with and against friends from town Team Creation Teams are balanced, goal is parity (based on coach evaluations) End of season evaluation process is the same as travel
What is unique to BAYS? Travel Program – Hit the Road Sudbury teams play home and away series with Boston Area Towns Close as Concord, distant as Dorchester… Team Placement Teams are ranked and scheduled against like competition Teams play like competition designed to build confidence and passion Different skills levels allow players to develop at their own rate Player Placement Players assigned based on coach evaluation and a BAYS evaluations Coaches complete the same player evaluation form as the IM program
BAYS Evaluation Nights MAY 23 rd – 27 th Overview Process complements coach evaluations Evaluated by NE Revolution Academy coaches and independent evaluators Session I – Small sided games Five different individual skills assessed Grouped randomly with a mix of players and abilities Session II – 6v6 Games Session I scores are tallied, players with like scores are grouped Field play in 6v6 games assessed Players evaluated during games Players may switch fields during the session to play against different players
BAYS Evaluation Criteria Part I Techniques Dribbling Receiving the Ball on the Ground Receiving the Ball in the Air Short Passing Long Passing Crosses Shooting Heading Shielding
BAYS Evaluation Criteria Part II Field Awareness 1v1 Attacking Ability Use of Combination plays Ability to maintain possession of the ball Attacking as part of a team Defending 1v1 Ability to breakdown an attack Use of 4 P's - Pressure, Position, Patience, Pivot Defending as part of a team Understanding of Formation Understands how to create space as an individual Understands how to create space for the team Understanding 'value of possession’ Understanding of Positions
BAYS Evaluation Criteria Part III Influence Attendance Attitude Aggressiveness Communication Goalkeeper Game Changer
BAYS Placement Process Overview Process managed by Age Group Coordinator Includes SYSA VP, Technical Director and all current head coaches Coordinator produces initial rosters from Coach and BAYS evaluation data Technical Director assists with initial rostering process Placement Meeting Process starts with initial rosters and all the raw data Starting with team one, every player is discussed as to their placement Additional attention is paid to players identified as bubble players Every team is given the same level of attention Teams are created and then coaches are picked required
Sudbury Soccer U9/U10 Options Questions and Answers
Sudbury Soccer Player Development Tracks Meeting Thank You and Best of Luck Next Season