National Guard Association of Washington (NGAW) Membership
What is the National Guard Association of Washington? (NGAW) The NGAW is a private non-profit professional organization incorporated in 1891 that is comprised of officer and enlisted members both currently serving and retired, and organized at the state level for the purpose of lobbying for, and securing the most effective legislation maximizing Washington State Guardsmember benefits and resources. The NGAW is tied and partnered at the national level with the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) representing officers and the Enlisted Association of the United States (EANGUS) representing the enlisted force. When you join the NGAW you are also joining your corresponding national level organization. “YOUR ONLY VOICE”
Our Vision To be a visible and vocal advocate for our members, to pursue policies that protect benefits, enhance entitlements, and preserve the future of our Guard.
Why should you be a part of NGAW? Gain access to the most up-to-date information that affects your military career and benefits Track federal and state legislative developments that impact the Guard Be part of the voice that bring us the political influence and resources Professional development and education Formal coaching or mentoring relationships with more experienced people who provide guidance and useful insights Opportunities to access and network with other professionals and leaders You’ll make valuable professional contacts You are not just a member of an association, you are a voice for your generation and future generations to come If you want to preserve our benefits in the National Guard, you must get involved!
Membership matters, and it means power on Capitol Hill. Be part of a collective voice your representatives can’t ignore and can clearly understand! We are YOUR ONLY VOICE that fights directly for better training, equipment, pay, and benefits specifically for Washington Guardsman! But... we are only as effective as the number of active members we have in our organization!
What’s at risk? Drill Pay Retirement Pay Force Structure Tuition Assistance TRICARE Benefits Your Military Equipment Jobs (M-Day/Technician/AGR)
We have made such progress…. Many company grade and junior field grade officers do not remember when Citizen Soldiers/Airmen had a pink ID card and could only visit the PX or Commissary once a month; were only offered $10K of life insurance (only while at drill or annual training); no ID card for spouses (unless you were AGR); drill pay was quarterly; organizational equipment was World War II, Korean or Vietnam War vintage; GI Bill and other education benefits were not offered; TRICARE benefits were only offered to AGRs. We have come a long way and had to fight for ALL of these changes, with NGAW and NGAUS leading the way! Some of the bad proposals being discussed right now: Your drill pay cut by half to make it more "equitable pay for similar service" as the active component. Do you think you deserve ½ of your pay for your service? Your veteran status in jeopardy. Retire from the National Guard, but not earn the title of "Veteran of the Armed Forces" unless you have served on Title 10 active duty beyond training purposes – this will exclude them from Title 38 (Veteran's Benefits). No education benefits? Sound equitable? Your unit cut from the force? Significant force structure cuts for the Air National Guard and uncertainty for the Army National Guard.
Past accomplishments ….. Veterans Preference Legislation in the State of Washington Technician Furloughs: Exempted National Guard and Reserve Techs from sequester cuts Tuition Reimbursement Program Cyber Warrior Act of 2013 NGAW’s State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) Overturned Air National Guard Cuts TRICARE benefits for National Guard members who are unemployed “YOUR ONLY VOICE”
What is the NGAW working on… Stop attempts to cut drill pay Minimize technician furloughs Protect current benefits (TRICARE, BAH, Retirements) Demand Veterans Status for retired National Guard Prevent the loss of equipment and missions Educational benefits and reduced to free tuition for our State’s Soldiers and Airmen Free State Discover Pass for all WA Guardsmen Free hunting and fishing licenses Co sponsor for “First Responder” license plates Protect over a decade of readiness by stoping regression to a strategic reserve And more…
Membership Benefits… The only organization that lobbies directly on National Guard Affairs and Issues Lobbies at a State level on your behalf. NGAW is your voice at the Washington State Legislature. Each year we fight for your benefits Serves as a strong advocate for the National Guard, all Guard members, Guard Families, and the Guard community NGAW holds an annual conference each year to conduct business, approve resolutions, and interface with vendors. We approve resolutions and forward them to NGAUS NGAW provides SSLI – (State Sponsored Life Insurance) to all Washington Guard members ($1000 min.) NGAW has a scholarship program
How you can help…. Become an active member Attend a board meeting 1 st Wednesday of the month in AGO conference room at 1700) Help with one of the NGAW committees Talk to your legislators in your district about proposals that concern you and tell them about the National Guard and your story Take action when “Calls to Action” are ed out Get involved and help shape our future Educate others about the NGAW and ask them to get involved with their military career by joining the NGAW
QUESTIONS? Join online at or contact an NGAW representative at Follow us on Linkedin, Google +, Twitter, or Facebook “YOUR ONLY VOICE”