Achievements in VOQL WG May 20, 2005 Masatoshi Ohishi.


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Presentation transcript:

Achievements in VOQL WG May 20, 2005 Masatoshi Ohishi

VOQL sessions May 16 14:00-17:30 May 17 09:00-12:30 Joint session with Room I

First Products of VOQL WG Agreed to raise ADQL/SkyNode specs to PR1.0 –ADQL 0.91 : ADQL minor upgrades –SkyNode 0.91 : in line with ADQL 0.91 –Found no serious problems in the current specs –More than two reference implementations exist

Issues in future versions X-matcher –algorithm, spatial res., positional errors –part of SkyNode spec or an independent spec ? Core/extension of specs (ADQL, STC,,,) –with DM & Registry –meta data on version #, core/ext Column names – utype ? Fix name space

ADQL / DAL integration Experimental implementation by JVO Doesnt affect SIAP/SSAP specs VOQL WG generate framework of WD ADQL/SkyNode 1.x (x>0) DAL WG develops PR SSAP in October InterOp, and VOQL WG incorporates SIAP/SSAP to ADQL 1.x

Roadmap May Interop Kyoto JunePrepare PR documents Jul (-- Aug ?)RFC AugVote by the Exec Rec ADQL & SkyNode future version Sept 2005First WD ADQL1.x –Integration of ADQL and DAL (with DAL) –X-Matcher (with DM/DAL) –Inclusion of simulated data access ? (with theory IG) Oct 2005 ADASS + IVOA InterOp Madrid, Spain –Discussion on the draft, and revise the WD Jan 2006NVO demos ? Spring 2006reference implementation ? May 2006InterOp WS in Canada Aug 2006 IAU Prague : VO Special Session Autumn 2006InterOp WS in Russia –To PR ????

I appreciate all participants to the VOQL sessions !!