by Jānis Leja, Form 8a Olaine Secondary School No1 2011
Hide and seek Blind man's buff Chinese Whispers Tag
There must be at least 2 players to play “Hide and Seek”. The rules – 1 player hides while the other one tries to find him. When a player who hides is found the seeker must run back to “Home base” to tag the found player. This game is popular amongst people of all ages. There is no age limit.
There must be at least 2 players to play. To play safely there must be a safe environment. The rules – 1 player is blindfolded so he can't see the other players. Other players must avoid “it”, while “it” is trying to catch other players. This game is sometimes dangerous because “it” can fall and suffer injury.
There must be at least 6 players to play. The rules – Players divide into 2 even teams. 1 team thinks up a password and the other team tries to get the password. This game is popular mostly in post Soviet countries.
There must be at least 2 players to play this game. The players decide who's going to be “it”. “It” chases other players and tries to tag them – touching them with a hand. Player who gets tagged becomes “it”. This game is very popular.
Ice hockey Football Basketbal l
Equipment you need to play Ice hockey is: Helmet combo Neck guard Shoulder pads Elbow pads Hockey pants Jockstrap Garter Shin guards Mouth guard Ice skates Hockey stick
The goal of the game is to get the puck in the opponent's net as many times as possible. Ice hockey is the fastest team sport. Mostly this game is popular in countries with a cool climate.
Basic rules – Player split into teams of 11 players, 1 of them is a goalkeeper. The main goal of the game is to get the ball into the opponent's goal as many times as possible. The team with the most points wins. This game is the most popular team sport in the world.
Equipment – The most important equipment for basketball is a court and a basketball ball. Rules – The game divides into 4 quarters. Each team has 5 players. Each quarter is 12 minutes long(NBA). Players must dribble the ball so he can move. The main goal of basketball is to throw the ball through the opponent's basket.